Add Call Number Suffix Gadget

On Chinese language systems which use a Dewey-type classification scheme (Zhongtofa), the call numbers have numeric suffixes based on the character positions of the principal author’s name. On the Call Number/Item tab, the Add Call Number Suffix gadget is used to generate the numeric suffix for the Call Number field. The gadget allows you to select the preferred suffix algorithm and create the appropriate call number suffix.

The following call number suffix algorithm options may be selected.

Four Corner – Select this option to generate a Four Corner suffix, which is a numeric representation of each character of the author’s name. Each Chinese character is represented by a four-digit number; the four digits for a character are assigned based on the calligraphic shape of each of the four corners of the character.
Five Stroke – Select this option to generate a Five Stroke suffix, which is a numeric representation of each character of the author’s name. The name is converted based on table which includes all Chinese characters and their five stroke numbers.
Cutter – Select this option to generate a suffix which is a combination of the first letter of the author’s name with a number that represents the author’s last name and first initial. This number is derived from a table of author names. For example, if the author’s name is Abbott, and Abbott appears in the table corresponding to the number 131, the Cutter suffix will be A131. If the author’s last name/first initial does not appear in the table, the number for the name prior to the search text will be used. For example, if the author’s name is Abbott S, but the last entry in the table for Abbott is Abbott M, which corresponds to the number 133, the Cutter suffix will be A133.
Book Number – Select this option to generate a book number suffix. The book number is calculated as the first numeric string after the first forward slash (/) that follows the base call number, plus one. For example, for the call number 353.11/571:31, this gadget will return the number 572, and for 353.11/331/02, this gadget will return the number 332. The Author field is not used for computing the Book Number suffix.

To add a call number suffix

If there is no call number or author in the record, the Call Number and Author text boxes will appear blank.

If you select Book Number, the Author text box will appear dimmed, since only the call number is used to compute the suffix.

If you type a symbol that is not in the translation tables or a non-Chinese character in the Author text box, dashes will appear in the suffix.

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