MARC Magician EZ Transfer In Utility Wizard
The MARC Magician EZ Transfer In Utility Wizard (EZTRANSFERIN) wizard in the K-12 system is used to import and load newly cataloged files of bibliographic records created or revised by MARC Magician, and to correct and backup imported records.
When the MARC Magician EZ Transfer In Utility wizard starts, the Main window appears. The Main window presents the following options. Select any of the following links to view directions for using each option.
• | Bibliographic Data views, imports, and removes bibliographic data. |
• | Bibliographic Data Backup views, copies, and removes bibliographic data backups. Bibliographic Load Error views, copies, and removes files of bibliographic records that were not loaded successfully. |
• | Use the MARC Magician EZ Transfer Out Utility Wizard (EZTRANSFEROUT) wizard to transfer bibliographic records out of the K-12 system catalog for MARC Magician cataloging. |
If you prefer, you can also use the Extract Keys for MARC Magician in the Import/Export report group which exports records from the K-12 system catalog. When the report is selected from the finished list, click the MARC Magician button to begin using MARC Magician.
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