Routing Records

Routing information is used to specify individuals to whom you should route a specific serial issue copy when it arrives. A routing record contains information about a particular user who should see the issue copy or have the table of contents routed to him. A routing list is made up of one or more routing records. The routing record contains the user’s rank which positions all users on the routing list as they appear on the Routing tab and print on routing lists. A routing list can be maintained for each copy of an issue received. Routing records for an issue’s table of contents may also be created. Any title to be routed must have a serial control record.

A separate list of users can be maintained for each copy to be routed. User information (address and phone number) for routing is maintained through the user record.

In order for a user’s name to be printed to a routing list, the Allow Routing check box must be selected on the Basic tab of the user record.

When a routing record is being created or modified, the following text boxes appear.


This field contains a number used to distinguish among multiple copies with the same call number. When creating or modifying a routing record, you may determine the copy that will be routed to a particular user. The number of copies available for routing displays in parenthesis. Additionally, you can select TOC from the list. This option is for issues whose table of contents is routed instead of the actual issue. Only one TOC routing may be created per serial control.


Library field values are defined in the Library policies set up by your SirsiDynix Symphony System Administrator. At the basic level, this field determines the library where an item is held and where the user is registered in a multilibrary setting.


This field contains the user’s name. This value should be in the form last name, first name initial (e.g., Smith, Joe H.).

User ID

When creating the user ID, you have two options. You may assign the user ID, or you may allow SirsiDynix Symphony to automatically generate one. Typically, libraries use random numbers associated with barcodes for unique user identification. Other alphanumeric characters, such as a driver’s license number, may also be entered according to the unique numbering or naming scheme established by the library. The user ID can be up to 20 characters in length. You may be able to enter a user ID using a User Search gadget.


Ranks are assigned to users on a routing list. When a routing is first created, the Rank field is blank. When a user is selected for the routing, the routing rank default is taken from the user’s profile. If the order of users on a routing list is important, a routing rank must be assigned to each individual user on the list. An individual routing rank value may be modified to change the order of the display of the users on the list. A rank of 1 is the highest for routing, so users with a rank of 1 will get the materials first.

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