sms_notice Tab

This tab is available in the Notify Users Wanting Text Messages Report. You use it to specify the types of text messages to send.

This report sends out text messages to patrons according to the values you specify. However, only users who have explicitly opted in to receive the specified text message will have a message sent to their specified phone number.

Patrons can specify their preferences to a librarian or can enter the information directly in e-Library, if it has been enabled in either location.

For more information, see SMS Notifications.

The tab has the following sections that you can expand or collapse and set values for Checkout Overdue Notice, Holds Pickup Notice, Bills Notice, and User Announcement. Each section is a message type.

To send text messages, you must enable one or more of the message types. Then, for each enabled message type, you specify one or more message templates to send and when to send it (based on the value of the notice count).

Sections may contain the following fields:


Specifies whether to sent SMS text messages for a particular message type to patrons.

Selecting this option enables the remaining fields in the section.

The default selection is not to send messages for overdue items.

This field displays in every section.

Count as a notice sent

Specifies whether to update the notice sent counter for the patron when the text message is sent.

The default setting is to not count text messages.

This field displays in the Checkout Overdue Notice, Holds Pickup Notice, and Bills Notice sections.

Include library name

Specifies whether to include the library name value at the end of the text message.

For a Hold Pickup notice, the library name used is the pickup library name. For Overdue notices, the name of the checkout (charge) library is used. For Bill notices, the name of the bill library is used. For user notices, the user’s library is used.

The default setting is to not include it.

This field displays in every section.

Include library phone number

Specifies whether to include the phone number value for the library at the end of the text message. If the library name is also included, the phone number comes after it, separated by a comma and a space.

The system uses the phone number in the PHONE field of user record for the library. It will NOT use a phone number from any of the other phone number fields in the library’s user record.

This field displays in every section.

Message n

There are 5 separate message fields available. For each one, you select a message template from the drop-down list.

This list contains all the templates specified with a message type of Checkout Overdue Notice.

When you make a selection, the Preview field shows some of the message text.

The text message you select will only be sent when the Applies when notice count is field evaluates as true for the patron.

This field displays in the Checkout Overdue Notice, Holds Pickup Notice, and Bills Notice sections.

User Announcement

This field only displays for the User Announcement section.

Select the announcement template that you want to send.

When you make a selection, the Preview field shows some of the message text.

Applies when notice count is

This setting is used by the system to determine whether to send the selected message to patrons. It compares the notice counter in the selected message type (the charge, hold, or bill record) against the value you specify in this field to determine which messages to send. Use the Number Range and Notices gadget to specify a value and operator of equal to, greater than, or less than.

For example, you can have the system send a text message for when the overdue notice count is equal to 1 as a first warning. Or, you could send a message when the notice count is greater than 5.

This field displays in the Checkout Overdue Notice, Holds Pickup Notice, and Bills Notice sections.


Displays a preview of the message text for the selected message template.

This field displays in every section.