Cancel Selection

The following Cancel selections may be available.


All order cancel segments selected by the report will include this specified part or volume statement. These are the parts of a multi-part order for which cancel segments have been created or generated. Use the String List gadget to select a parts/volume statement.

Date Created

All cancel segments selected by the report were created on this specified date. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Date Mailed

All cancel segments selected by the report were mailed to the vendor on this specified date. The default value when a cancel segment is created is NEVER. This number is automatically updated by the system when the Print Cancellation Notices report is run with the Count as Notice Mailed set to Yes. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Date Modified

All cancel segments selected by the report were last modified on this specified date. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Date Cancelled

The decision to cancel all order cancel segments selected by the report was made on this specified date. The date that the library learned of the cancellation from a vendor or user may also be entered here.

The default value when a cancel segment is created is NEVER. To select a range of dates, use the Date Range gadget.

Cancel Reason

All order cancel segments selected by the report will include this specified cancel reason. The default value when a cancel segment is created is LIBRARY. Use the Policy List gadget to select a cancel reason.

The following three types are available.

The LIBRARY type means that the library no longer wants the order to be filled.
The USER type means that the user no longer wants the library to place the order and distribute it to him or her.
The VENDOR type means that the vendor can no longer supply the order. If the cancel reason is set to VENDOR, then the vendor’s performance for the number of copies canceled is incremented appropriately.

Number of Copies Cancelled

All cancel segments selected by the report are for this specified number of copies. When a cancel segment is created, the number of copies must be specified. The default value when a cancel segment is created is 0. To select a range of numbers, use the Number Range gadget.

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