User Accountability Information Output Results
Example Two Users with All Accountability Options Selected
Cpl Slagle, Geoffrey V. id:GEOFF library:MAIN
accountability created:1/8/2003
reated by:GENJOYCE
last modified:1/31/2004
modified by:COLBURRUSS
clearance modified:1/8/2003
modified by:COLBURRUSS
clearance authority:NASA
access restrictions: CNWDI COMSEC
need_to_know restrictions: AERONAUTIC ROCKETS
user type:INTERNAL
number of dispatches:0
Lt Rabun, Johns id:JOHNS library:MAIN
accountability created:2/5/2004
created by:GENJOYCE
last modified:6/23/2004
modified by:COLBURRUSS
clearance modified:6/23/2004
modified by:GENJOYCE
access restrictions: COMSEC
need_to_know restrictions: ROCKETS
user type:INTERNAL
number of dispatches:0