Offline WorkFlows Checkout Wizard Properties

You can change current system settings in the Offline WorkFlows Checkout wizard using the Property window. The Offline WorkFlows Checkout wizard allows you to set the following properties.

Display Property Page

You can choose when to display the wizard’s Property window by selecting one of the following options.

Always – displays the Property window whenever the wizard is accessed during a session.
Wizard Startup – displays the Property window the first time you access the wizard until you end the wizard session or log off the client.
Never – does not display the Property window the first time you access the wizard. If Never is selected and you want to open the Property window, point to the wizard’s toolbar button, right-click, and then click Properties on the shortcut menu.

Depending on the value selected in Display Property Page, defaults may appear as the first step of the wizard. Property values that are changed in the first step of a wizard are retained only until the right-click method is used to set properties.


You can preset defaults for the following Charge Printing options.

None – does not print receipts during checkout.
Print Date Due Slips – prints a date due slip during checkout. Click the Print Date Due Slips button (Receipt Printing Properties) to select the options you want. You can also specify the receipt header, receipt fields, and receipt footer.
Print Charge Receipts – prints a receipt for the checkout transaction. Click the Print Charge Receipts button (Receipt Printing Properties) to specify the receipt header, receipt fields, and receipt footer.

You must define receipt printer availability options on the Preference menu. The receipt printer must be your Windows default printer to use the Wizard slip printing function.

If the Print Date Due Slips option is selected and the Print a Separate Date Due Slip for each item check box is not selected, only one date due slip prints for the patron’s entire checkout transaction.

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