Interests Tab

The Interests tab displays reading interest profiles for the outreach user. This tab contains the following fields as well as the total number of interest profiles.

The Interests tab only displays if only if the Outreach Services module is configured, and the wizard properties are set to display a user’s interests.

To customize the interest profile information display, configure the Interest Display property in the Display Interest, Modify Interest, and Remove Interest wizard properties.

When the Interests tab is displayed in a Circulation wizard, the tab contains the number of interest profiles associated with the user, the name of the interest profile(s) associated with the user, the date the interest profile was created, and the status of the interest profile.

The following fields are defined for the Interests tab.

Active Status

Indicates whether this interest profile should be considered when suggesting or selecting materials for the user. An interest profile can be retained in a user record, but excluded from the selection process, to allow for seasonal interests. The Active Status setting is also used by the Purge User Records report to remove inactive interest profiles in batch. By default, the Active Status check box is selected.

Date Created

This field contains the date that an interest profile was created or duplicated, not the date the associated item was created. This date is automatically maintained by SirsiDynix Symphony, and cannot be modified manually.

Date Inactive

This field contains the date on which the Active Status check box in the interest profile was last cleared. If the Active Status check box has never been cleared, the Date Inactive field will be set to NEVER. This field is automatically maintained by SirsiDynix Symphony, and cannot be modified manually.

Date Modified

This field contains the date the interest profile was last modified, not the date on which the associated item was last modified. If the interest profile has never been modified since its creation, the field is set to NEVER. This field is automatically maintained by SirsiDynix Symphony, and cannot be modified manually.


This field is used to qualify item searches when searching for items for users with a particular interest profile. The search or browse will only locate titles with at least one copy that has the selected Format policy in its item record.


This field contains the name of the interest profile. When creating interest profiles, either manually or using a template, this required field can not be left blank.

Interval Days

This field specifies the number of days that must elapse before the item can be reselected for the same user. The delivered value is 365.

Item Category Fields

This field is used to qualify item searches when searching for items for users with a particular interest profile. The search or browse will only locate titles with at least one copy grouped in the specified category (for example, BIOGRAPHY).

The purpose of the optional item category fields is to denote a copy’s special characteristics. The library determines whether these fields display, what selections are available in these fields, and the label name for each category field.

Item Type

This field is used to qualify item searches when searching for items for users with a particular interest profile. The search or browse will only locate titles with at least one copy with the selected Item Type policy.

The purpose of the optional Item Type field is to identify the item’s circulation characteristics. All item types are defined by the library in the SirsiDynix Symphony policies. Typical item types include BOOK, PERIODICAL, MAP, and FILM.

Items Requested

Specifies the maximum number of records to suggest or select for a given interest profile. The delivered value is 4.

Keyword Index

This field is used to qualify item searches when searching for items for users with a particular interest profile. The search or browse will only locate titles with at least one copy that has the specified Keyword Index policy, such as Subject.


This field is used to qualify item searches when searching for items for users with a particular interest profile. The search or browse will only locate titles with at least one copy in the selected language, such as English.


This field is used to qualify item searches when searching for items for users with a particular interest profile. The search or browse will only locate titles with at least one copy with a home location that is the same as the specified location.


Assigns a value to interest profiles when records are suggested for selection. The delivered value is 1.

When using the Search Interest Wizard or running the Search Route Interest Records Report or Search User Interest Records Report reports, items will be suggested or selected which match interest profiles, starting with the highest ranking, until the retrieved number of items exceeds the Total Items Requested value in the outreach user record.


Indicates if items selected from the interest profile can be reselected at a later date. By default, this check box is selected.

Search String

This field contains an optional search string of up to 100 characters, to be used when searching for items for users with a particular interest profile. Search strings may use all of the features of searching in the public access catalog, such as truncation, wildcards, and Boolean and positional operators.

Sort Rule

The value in this field determines how retrieved records for an interest profile should be sorted. The following values are available.

Author (AU)
Descending publication year (-PBYR)
Subject (SU)
Title (TI)
Ascending publication year (PBYR)

The ascending/descending order is based on how the database indexes are built, either first in and first out or last in and last out. Placing a minus sign in front of sort criteria displays the results list in the reverse order. A multiple sort can be defined by separating two sort rules with a comma. Sort combinations can include the minus sign.

For example, using the multi-level sorting option as seen below, SirsiDynix Symphony will alphabetize records by author, then by title in descending order (Z-A) under each author.