Barcode Character Set Gadget
Use the Barcode Character Set gadget to define the accepted character sets for a barcode format.
To define characters sets for a barcode format
Click the Barcode Character Set gadget.  |
Under Character Set, click the Digit, Letter, Digit/Letter, Special, or Wild radio button to indicate whether this character set is all digits, all letters, a combination of digits and letters, or includes special characters or “wild card” characters. |
Click Add to add this character set to the list. |
Add more character sets to the list as needed. |
To modify a barcode character set, select a set in the list, and click Modify. Make your modifications and click Update. |
To remove a barcode character set, select a set in the list, and click Remove. |
When finished building the Character Set list, click OK. |
Related topics
Barcode Format Wizard