Tax Handling Map Wizard

A Tax Handling Map policy is used to determine how taxes are to be applied when creating invoice lines for ordered materials. As invoice lines are added, SirsiDynix Symphony looks at the tax handling maps and finds a tax handling map that contains the relevant acquisitions material type, tax, and tax structure for the taxes that are to be applied. When the “matching” tax handling map is found, SirsiDynix Symphony uses the Tax Handling setting assigned to this particular map. Tax handling maps can be created for standard taxes, tax exempt materials, zero rated taxes, and tax rebates.

Since SirsiDynix Symphony looks for “matching” maps from the bottom of the Tax Handling Map list up, the order of the map lines is important. See Policy Operations for Map Policies.

From the List Policies window, you can create, display, modify, copy, or remove the Tax Handling Map policies. Click Close to exit the wizard.


The Tax Handling Map wizard displays the following attributes.


This attribute uniquely identifies a specific Tax Handling Map policy. This name is ten characters or less, and may not include spaces or punctuation, except for dash (-), underscore (_), and dollar sign ($). Additionally, the pipe character (|) may not be used.


This attribute provides more information about the policy and its use by the library. The description may be up to 60 characters in length. Although the Description attribute may contain spaces and punctuation, the pipe character (|) cannot be used.

Tax Structure

The Tax Structure attribute in a Tax Handling Map entry refers to a Tax Structure policy name. The tax handling defined in each Tax Handling Map entry may apply to one specific tax structure, or to all tax structures (ALL). Select a Tax Structure policy from the list.


The Tax attribute in a Tax Handling Map entry refers to an Acquisitions Tax policy name. The tax handling defined in each Tax Handling Map entry may apply to one specific tax, or to all taxes (ALL). Select a Tax policy from the list. Use the Acquisitions Tax Policy helper (Acquisitions Tax Wizard) to create new Acquisitions Tax policies or modify existing Acquisitions Tax policies, if needed.

Acquisitions Material Type

The Acquisitions Material Type attribute in a Tax Handling Map entry refers to an Acquisitions Material Type policy name. The tax handling defined in each Tax Handling Map entry may apply to one acquisitions material type, or to all acquisitions material types (ALL). Select an Acquisitions Material Type policy from the list. Use the Acquisitions Material Type Policy helper (Acquisitions Material Type Wizard) to create new acquisitions material types or modify existing acquisitions material types, if needed.

Tax Handling

The Tax Handling attribute in a Tax Handling Map entry specifies how taxes are applied to materials. The tax application defined in each Tax Handling Map entry has one of the following values.

Exempt specifies that the materials are exempt from taxes.
Rebate specifies that a percentage of the tax on the materials is returned. The percentage must be specified in the Rebate attribute.
Standard specifies that the tax is applied to materials without any special exceptions or circumstances.
Zero specifies that the tax is applied to materials at a zero rate. This value is usually used for materials that are taxable, but at a zero rate.


The Rebate attribute in a Tax Handling Map entry specifies the percentage of a tax that is returned. This attribute becomes active only when Rebate is selected in the Tax Handling attribute.

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