Tax Structure Wizard

The Tax Structure policy allows multiple taxes to be combined on an invoice. A tax structure can include up to three individual taxes, typically City, County, and State in the U.S. Tax policies are defined using the Acquisitions Tax Wizard. Tax structures are only applied on systems configured to use the Invoice Tax features.

Keep in mind the following.

Tax structure is defined at the invoice level.
Tax exemptions are defined at invoice line level.

The tax structure applied to an invoice is stored in the invoice record. The tax structure will be prompted when an invoice is created, and a default property in the Add Invoice wizard will supply the default tax structure. The tax structure is required so that SirsiDynix Symphony can determine which taxes should be calculated on the invoice amount and which should be calculated on a subtotal that includes the taxes calculated on the invoice amount.

A NOTAX policy is delivered, where there is no Tax 1, 2, or 3 specified. This policy is used when invoices are not subject to taxes.

For more information, see FAQs: Applying Invoice Taxes.

If you change the tax policies associated with a tax structure, you should also review the X12 Library Tax policies.

From the List Policies window, you can create, display, modify, copy, or remove the Tax Structure policies. Click Close to exit the wizard.


The Tax Structure policy contains the following attributes.


This attribute uniquely identifies a specific Tax Structure policy. This name is ten characters or less, and may not include spaces or punctuation, except for dash (-), underscore (_), and dollar sign ($). Additionally, the pipe character (|) may not be used.


This attribute provides more information about the policy and its use by the library. The description may be up to 60 characters in length. Although the Description attribute may contain spaces and punctuation, the pipe character (|) cannot be used.

Tax 1

Select an Acquisitions Tax policy from the list. This value is required, and by default is calculated on the price of the item, exclusive of any other tax.

Allow Exemptions (Tax 1)

Select this check box to permit invoice line exemptions for Tax 1.

Tax 2

Select an Acquisitions Tax policy from the list. This tax cannot be specified unless there is a Tax 1 defined.

Calculate Tax 2 On a Total That Does Not Include Tax 1

If you click this option, Tax 2 percentage tax rates are applied to the invoice subtotal only.

Calculate Tax 2 On a Total That Includes Tax 1

If you click this option, Tax 2 percentage tax rates are applied to the invoice subtotal plus the Tax 1 amount.

Allow Exemptions (Tax 2)

Select this check box to permit invoice line exemptions for Tax 2.

Tax 3

Select an Acquisitions Tax policy from the list. This tax cannot be specified unless Tax 1 and Tax 2 are defined.

Calculate Tax 3 On a Total That Does Not Include Tax 1 and Tax 2

If you click this option, Tax 3 percentage tax rates are applied to the invoice subtotal only.

Calculate Tax 3 On a Total That Includes Tax 1 and Tax 2

If you click this option, Tax 3 percentage tax rates are applied to the invoice subtotal plus the Tax 1 and Tax 2 amount.

Allow Exemptions (Tax 3)

Select this check box to permit invoice line exemptions for Tax 3.

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