Loan Period Wizard

A Loan Period policy is a formula by which SirsiDynix Symphony calculates the due date when an item is charged. Loan Periods are associated with User Profiles and Item Types through the Circulation Rule and Circulation Map policies.

From the List Policies window, you can create, display, modify, copy, or remove the Loan Period policies. Click Close to exit the wizard.


The Loan Period wizard displays the following attributes.


This attribute uniquely identifies a specific Loan Period policy. This name is ten characters or less, and may not include spaces or punctuation, except for dash (-), underscore (_), and dollar sign ($). Additionally, the pipe character (|) may not be used.


This attribute provides more information about the policy and its use by the library. The description may be up to 60 characters in length. Although the Description attribute may contain spaces and punctuation, the pipe character (|) cannot be used.

Period Type

The type indicates which formula is used to calculate the due date when using this Loan Period. Click one of the following formula types.

Hourly — The due date is a certain number of hours from the check out time.
Daily — The due date is a certain number of days from the checkout date. This includes a time due as well.
Weekly — The due date is on a specified weekday a certain number of weeks from the checkout date (for example, three weeks from the next Monday). This includes a time due as well.
Date List — The due date is chosen from a list of supplied dates. This includes a time due as well. When an item is charged with a Date List Type Loan Period, the first date on the list after the charge date becomes the due date for the item.
Indefinite — There is no date due calculated.
Minutes — The due date is a certain number of minutes from the check out time.

Period Count

This field has different meanings for the different types of Loan Periods. For Hourly Loan Periods, it is the number of hours that an item is loaned. For Daily Loan Periods, it is the number of days that an item is loaned. For Weekly Loan Periods, it is the number of weeks that an item is loaned. For Minutes Loan Periods, it is the number of minutes that an item is loaned. Type a period count number.

Day in Week

If the type of loan period measured is Weekly, then a day of the week, Sunday through Saturday, must be selected. This is the day of the week that the item being charged is due. If a Weekly loan period is created with a length of 3 [weeks], and the day of the week selected is MONDAY, then any item charged out with this loan period is always be due three weeks from the next Monday. Select a week day from the list. This attribute is only activated when a Weekly Period Type is selected.

Time Due

For the loan period types other than Hourly, this is the latest time the item may be returned on the due date and not be overdue. Normally, this time is set to one minute before midnight (11:59 PM is recorded as 23:59), so that the item would not be overdue until the day after the due date. In setting up an overnight Loan Period (one day), time due might be set soon after opening, like 9:00 AM. Type the number of hours and minutes. These fields are active only when you click the Daily, Weekly, or Date List period types.

Due Dates

This attribute allows a specific due date or list of due dates to be assigned. This attribute is only activated when a Date List Period Type is selected. Use the Date List gadget to select dates. No more than eight dates can be selected.

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