FAQs: Working with the Loan Period Policies

How are WEEKLY loan periods calculated?

For weekly loan periods, the due date is on a specified weekday a certain number of weeks from the checkout date.

For example, for the 3WEEK loan period with Friday as the specified day due, a book charged during this week, will be due on the Friday three weeks from now. If the library happens to be closed on that Friday (e.g., the Friday after Thanksgiving), the book will be due the next open Friday.

What is the difference between the 2WEEK and 14DAY loan periods?

The 2WEEK loan period will make items due on a specified day approximately two weeks from the date charged. Depending when you check out the items, you may or may not have the materials a full two weeks.

For example, you check out a book on Monday, November 6, and the 2WEEK rule specifies Friday as the selected day, the book will be due on Friday, November 17. If you check out the book on Friday, November 10, the book will be due Friday, November 24. If the library happens to be closed on the day specified, the due date jumps ahead another two weeks.

For example, if you check out a book on Monday, November 13, the book would normally be due Friday, November 24, but this year the library is closed the day after Thanksgiving, so the due date jumps ahead two more weeks to Friday, December 8.

The 14DAY loan period will make items due exactly 14 days from the date the item was checked out. If the library is closed on the fourteenth day, the item will be due the very next open day.

For example, you check out a book on Thursday, November 9. The book would normally be due November 23, but this year the library is closed Thanksgiving Day and the day after. The book will be due on Saturday, November 25.

How can I make materials due on a specific date at the end of the semester?

To make materials due on a specific date at the end of a semester, do the following.

How can I set up loan periods so that all materials are returned at the end of the school year?

Academic and school libraries often want to have all materials turned in at the end of the school year. This is accomplished by modifying the Library policy and User Profile policies.

Modify the Library policy according to the following procedure.

You will need to modify the User Profile policies assigned to users who should return their materials at the end of the school year. Do the following.

If the User Profile’s Library Precedence attribute is selected, then the due date calculated from the Circulation Map policy is compared to the due date as calculated from the Loan Period attribute in the Library policy. The shorter loan period is used to set the due date.

For example, a student checks out an item that typically circulates for three weeks, but the Library policy loan period indicates that all items checked out to students will be due next Thursday; therefore, the item’s due date will be shortened to next Thursday.

How can I make materials due on a particular day of the week? We have classes that visit us on specific days of the week.

Weekly loan periods are often used by school libraries.

To set up weekly loan periods, do the following.

Under what circumstances will loan periods be shortened?

Loan periods could be shortened under the following circumstances:

A patron’s privilege is about to expire. A message appears asking the library staff member if the user’s privilege should be extended.
The item has reached a hold threshold level defined by the library. A message appears indicating that an alternate loan period has been applied.
The library’s loan period is taking precedence over the usual loan period for this item.
The item has been recalled. A notice has been sent to the user requesting that the item be returned ASAP.
The item is needed for a booking. A message appears indicating that the loan period has been shortened.
A reserve item is due when the Reserve Desk closes in 30 minutes. Even though the item usually circulates for two hours; an alternate circulation rule was not specified, and all items are due when the Reserve Desk closes.

How is the recall due date for an item calculated? When will fines begin to accrue for a recalled item?

If you issue a rush recall on an item, the item is immediately due; however, libraries typically allow for a recall grace period to give users the opportunity to return items to the library. If you issue a standard recall on an item, the recall loan period is considered and a notice is not sent until the recall loan period has passed. When the recall loan period has passed, the Recall Notice on Charged Items report will change the standard recall to a rush recall, and the item will become due immediately.

If the item is overdue when recalled, the calculated fine is the standard overdue fine from the original date due until the end of the recall grace period, plus the recall fine from the end of the recall grace period until it is returned. If the recalled item is not overdue when recalled, the calculated fine is the recall fine from the end of the recall grace period until it is returned.

How do I set up policies so that fines accrue on days when the library is closed?

Modify the Library policy and select the Accrue Fines attribute. Fines will accrue for the days of the week the library is closed, but not for the dates the library is closed (such as Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and others).

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