Hold Placement Fee Wizard
The Hold Placement Fee policy is used to control charging fees for holds placed by users or staff, A “hold placement fee” is a fee charged for processing a hold, regardless or whether the hold is filled.
Depending on the type of service, users can be charged a specified amount. For example, different hold processing fees can be charged for self-service holds (OPAC) and staff-assisted holds (staff client).
When a hold is placed in the staff client, the system determines whether the hold is self-service (placed through OPAC) or staff-assisted (placed through staff client), then determines what fee to apply based on the policy. The fee applied will be determined by the user profile of the holding user (user the hold is placed for), the station library, and whether the hold is placed by self-service or staff-assisted.
The system creates a bill in the amount specified in the corresponding fee field:
• | If the hold is placed through the OPAC, the system creates a bill in the amount specified in the self-service fee field. |
• | If the hold is placed through the staff client, the system creates a bill in the amount specified in the staff-assisted fee field. |
The bill is applied to the user record (for whom the hold is placed).
From the List Policies window, you can create, display, modify, copy, or remove the Hold Placement Fee policies. Click Close to exit the wizard.
The Hold Placement Fee wizard displays the following attributes.
• | Name |
• | Description |
• | Library |
• | User Profile |
• | Self-service fee |
• | Staff-assisted fee |
This attribute uniquely identifies a specific Hold Placement Fee policy. This name is ten characters or less, and may not include spaces or punctuation, except for dash (-), underscore (_), and dollar sign ($). Additionally, the pipe character (|) may not be used.
This attribute provides more information about the policy and its use by the library. The description may be up to 60 characters in length. Although the Description attribute may contain spaces and punctuation, the pipe character (|) cannot be used.
This attribute contains the policy name of the station library. Select a Library policy name from the list. ALL is a valid value. If ALL is used, this map will match any library. Use the Library Policy helper (Library Wizard) to modify existing libraries, if needed.
This attribute contains the User Profile policy name for users affected by this Hold Placement Fee policy. Select a User Profile from the list. ALL is a valid value. If ALL is used, this map will match any user profile. Use the User Profile Policy helper (User Profile Wizard) to create new user profiles or edit existing profiles, if needed.
When creating or modifying a Hold Placement Fee policy, a fee amount can be specified for holds placed by users.
When creating or modifying a Hold Placement Fee policy, a fee amount can be specified for holds placed by staff for users.
Searching for a Policy
The Search features of this policy assist you in finding specific policies.
To search for a policy
1 | Select a value from the list for Library or User Profile or select All. Any combination of these policy values can be searched. |
2 | Click Search to find the first map line that fits some of the selected search values, starting from the bottom of the list, upward. |
3 | Click Exact Search to find a map line that precisely matches the search values, starting from the bottom of the list. |
4 | Click Find Next to search from the currently selected map entry, upward. |
5 | Click Clear to begin a new search. |

If any search category is ALL, any entry in the table will be selected, even for an Exact Search.
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