FAQs: Working with Circulation Rule Policies
SirsiDynix Symphony offers various methods of limiting the number of checkouts a given user can have at one time. You can limit the number of checkouts across all libraries in the system using User Profile policies; on each library in the system using Circulation Map policies, or on items of a particular item type using Item Type policies.
When a patron checks out an item, SirsiDynix Symphony looks up the station library, the patron's user profile, and the item type, then compares the combination of libraries, user profiles, and item types in the Circulation Map policy. When SirsiDynix Symphony finds a given combination in the map, SirsiDynix Symphony uses the Circulation Rule policy that is associated with that line in the map to determine if the item can be checked out, and if so, for how long.

You can configure your SirsiDynix Symphony system to check the item's owning library instead of the station library when it applies a circulation rule. If you are interested in having this feature enabled for your library system, contact SirsiDynix Customer Support.
See the following sections for more information:
• | How do I set branch borrowing limits? |
• | How do I set item type limitations for circulation? |
How do I set branch borrowing limits?
SirsiDynix Symphony allows you to limit the number of checkouts a given user can have in total at one time from all libraries in the system as well as per library. You configure a patron's total checkout limit using the "Charge Limit" attribute in the User Profile policy; the number of checkouts a user can have cannot exceed the value in the "Charge Limit" attribute, and the limitation applies across all libraries on the system.
You can also specify a limit for the number of checkouts allowed to a user on a per library basis. To set a limit on the number of simultaneous checkouts from a given library, use the "Maximum Charges" attribute in the Circulation Rule policy and define one or more specific Library policies in an appropriate circulation map entry. You can specify a number between 0 and 25,000 to set a limit on the number of items a patron can have checked out from a particular library. Every time a user checks out an item, SirsiDynix Symphony checks the circulation rule for a limit, and if there is a limit, SirsiDynix Symphony increments an internal counter of the user’s checkouts by library and item type. With every new checkout, SirsiDynix Symphony examines the internal counts, and if the count of checkouts allowed to a specific library is exceeded, SirsiDynix Symphony blocks the new checkout.
If a consortium or other multilibrary system wants to limit the number of items which may be checked out from a specific library, existing Circulation Rule policies may be modified, or new ones may be created, to place a limit on the number of checkouts. The following example demonstrates the interplay between the Circulation Map and Circulation Rule policies when a maximum checkout limit is specified.
In this example, the user, Samuel, is only allowed ten checkouts by his PUBLIC user profile. He currently has the following nine checkouts:
• | 3 books from LIBRARY1 |
• | 2 DVDs from LIBRARY1 |
• | 1 magazine from LIBRARY1 |
• | 2 books from LIBRARY2 |
• | 1 item on reserve from LIBRARY3 |
The Circulation Map policy contains the following lines:
Library |
User Profile |
Item Type |
Circulation Rule |
The following maximum checkouts are allowed by the circulation rules:
Circulation Rule |
Maximum # Checkouts |
4 |
2 |
5 |
6 |
10 |
If Samuel attempts to check out a book from LIBRARY1, it will fall under the circulation map line for the item type BOOK using the CIRCRULE1 Circulation Rule policy. Since that circulation rule allows a maximum of four checkouts for this library/item type combination, and he only has three, no override is required.
If Samuel attempts to check out a magazine from LIBRARY1, it will fall under the circulation map line for the item type MAGAZINE using the CIRCRULE2 Circulation Rule policy. Since that circulation rule allows a maximum of two checkouts for this library/item type combination, and he only has one, no override is required.
If Samuel attempts to check out a DVD from LIBRARY1, it will fall under the circulation map line for the item type DVD using the CIRCRULE2 Circulation Rule policy. Since that circulation rule allows a maximum of two checkouts for this library/item type combination, and he already has two, a staff member would have to provide an override before Samuel could check out this item.
If Samuel attempts to check out a magazine from LIBRARY1, it will fall under the circulation map line for the item type MAGAZINE using the CIRCRULE2 Circulation Rule policy. Since that circulation rule allows a maximum of two checkouts for this library/item type combination, and he only has one, no override is required.

In this example, SirsiDynix Symphony permits this checkout even though Samuel has two DVDs checked out already (DVDs and magazines are accounted for on the same circulation map line and therefore abide by the same circulation rule) because SirsiDynix Symphony applies the "Maximum Charges" attribute from the Circulation Rule policy to each item type separately by default. For an example of how SirsiDynix Symphony can process limitations based on item types, see How do I set item type limitations for circulation?.
If Samuel attempts to check out a book from LIBRARY2, it will fall under the circulation map line for the item type BOOK using the CIRCRULE3 Circulation Rule policy. Since that circulation rule only allows a maximum of five checkouts for this library/item type combination, and he only has two, no override is required.
If Samuel attempts to check out an item on reserve from LIBRARY3, it will fall under the circulation map line for the item type RESERVE using the CIRCRULE2 Circulation Rule policy. Since that circulation rule allows a maximum of two checkouts for this library/item type combination, and he only has one, no override is required.
If Samuel attempts to check out audio-visual equipment from LIBRARY1, it will fall under the circulation map line for the item type ALL using the CIRCRULE4 Circulation Rule policy. Even though this circulation rule allows in general a maximum of six checkouts, because the Item Type value for the circulation map entry is ALL, SirsiDynix Symphony checks the User Profile's "Charge Limit" instead for limiting the number of checkouts. Since the PUBLIC user profile has a "Charge Limit" value of 10 and Samuel currently has nine checkouts, no override is required.
If Samuel attempts to checkout a juvenile book from LIBRARY2, it will fall under the circulation map line for the item type ALL using the CIRCRULE5 Circulation Rule policy. Even though this circulation rule allows in general a maximum of ten checkouts, because the Item Type value for the circulation map entry is ALL, SirsiDynix Symphony checks the User Profile's "Charge Limit" instead for limiting the number of checkouts. Since the PUBLIC user profile has a "Charge Limit" value of 10 and Samuel currently has nine checkouts, no override is required.

If you want to limit the number of checkouts on a per-library basis, it is recommended that you create library-specific user profile policies (for example, "MAINPUBLIC" or "EASTPUBLIC").
How do I set item type limitations for circulation?
There are two ways to place item type limitations for circulation:
• | You can limit the number of checkouts allowed for a particular item type (or item types) across one or more specific libraries for specific user profiles using the "Maximum Charges" attribute in the Circulation Rule policy. For more information, see Using Circulation Map policies to set item type limitations. |
• | You can limit the number of checkouts allowed for a particular item type for all libraries and user profiles on the system using the "Limit number of checkouts for this item type across all libraries" attribute in the Item Type policy. This attribute places a single limit on the number of checkouts allowed for items of a particular item type for all patrons at any library in the system, but can be used together with the "Maximum Charges" attribute in any associated Circulation Rule policies as well. For more information, see Using Item Type policies to set item type limitations. |
Using Circulation Map policies to set item type limitations
When a user checks an item out, SirsiDynix Symphony looks up the user and the item and compares the combination of User Profile and Item Type policies in the Circulation Map policy. When SirsiDynix Symphony finds a given combination in the map, SirsiDynix Symphony uses the Circulation Rule policy that is associated with that line in the map to determine if the item can be checked out, for how long, and how many items of this item type can be checked out.
To set a limit on the number of items of a particular type, use the "Maximum Charges" attribute in the Circulation Rule policy. You can specify a number between 0 and 25,000 to set a limit on the number of times an item of this type may be checked out to a user. Every time a user checks out an item, SirsiDynix Symphony checks the circulation rule for a limit, and if there is a limit, SirsiDynix Symphony increments an internal counter of the user’s checked out items by library and item type. With every new checkout, SirsiDynix Symphony examines the internal counts, and if an item type has been checked out more times than allowed, SirsiDynix Symphony blocks the new checkout.
The way in which SirsiDynix Symphony uses the "Maximum Charges" attribute varies depending on how the Circulation Rule policy has been configured:
• | By default, the "Maximum Charges" attribute limits checkouts by library and item type. If your library has chosen to group multiple item types in the same circulation map line (so they, as a result, abide by the same circulation rule), SirsiDynix Symphony applies the "Maximum Charges" attribute to both item types separately. |
For example, if you have a circulation map line that contains both a MAGAZINE and a DVD item type and the "Maximum Charges" attribute is set to 3 in the corresponding Circulation Rule policy, the patron is allowed to check out three magazines and three DVDs as long as these checkouts do not exceed the value set in the "Charge Limit" attribute of the User Profile policy with which the patron is associated.
• | If your library wants to limit the number of items checked out across multiple item types, use the "Maximum Charges applies to all checkouts using this circulation rule" attribute in the Circulation Rule policy. This attribute applies the value in the "Maximum Charges" attribute to any and all item types that use that particular Circulation Rule policy. |
For example, you may have circulation map lines that look like the following:
Library |
User Profile |
Item Type |
Circulation Rule |
Both line 1 and line 3 use the CIRCRULE2 circulation rule. If the "Maximum Charges applies to all checkouts using this circulation rule" attribute is enabled in CIRCRULE2 and the "Maximum Charges" value is set to 3, the user is only allowed to check out three items between RESERVES, MAGAZINE, and DVD item types without regarding library or user profile.
The following example demonstrates the interplay between the Circulation Map and Circulation Rule policies when a maximum checkout limit is specified. This example sets item type limits for a single library and assumes that the "Maximum Charges applies to all checkouts using this circulation rule" attribute has been enabled for the CIRCRULE3 Circulation Rule policy.
The user, Gwen, is only allowed 20 checkouts by her ADULT user profile. She currently has the following 15 checkouts:
• | 11 books |
• | 2 magazines |
• | 1 DVD |
• | 1 Blu-ray disc |
Gwen's daughter, Penelope, is associated with the JUVY user profile (which has an overall "Charge Limit" of 10). She currently has no checkouts.
The Circulation Map policy contains the following lines:
Name |
Library |
User Profile |
Item Type |
Circ Rule |

If desired, the system administrator could consolidate lines 3 and 4 using the Circulation Map Wizard, as both of them use CIRCRULE3. The system administrator could also consolidate lines 6 and 7, as both of them use CIRCRULE4.
The following maximum checkouts are allowed by the circulation rules:
Circulation Rule |
Maximum # Checkouts |
20 |
10 |
5 |
2 |
If Gwen attempts to check out nine books, it will fall under the ADULT_GEN circulation map line using the CIRCRULE1 Circulation Rule policy. Since the circulation rule allows a maximum of twenty checkouts for this item type/user profile combination, and she only has eleven books checked out, no override is required.
If Gwen attempts to check out ten books, her overall allowance of twenty checkouts by her ADULT user profile will block her attempt to check out these books. A staff member would have to provide an override before Gwen could check out these items.
If Gwen attempts to check out three magazines, it will fall under the ADULT_MAG circulation map line using the CIRCRULE3 Circulation Rule policy. While the circulation rule allows a maximum of five checkouts for this item type/user profile combination, the enabled "Maximum Charges applies to all checkouts using this circulation rule" attribute in the CIRCRULE3 policy causes SirsiDynix Symphony to count all of Gwen's magazine, DVD, and Blu-ray disc checkouts together; because Gwen already has two magazines, one DVD, and one Blu-ray disc checked out (four checkouts in total) and the CIRCRULE3 policy only allows five checkouts, the first new magazine checkout does not require an override, but circulation staff would need to provide an override for the other two new magazine checkouts.
If Gwen attempts to check out a DVD, it will fall under the ADLT_VID circulation map line using the CIRCRULE3 Circulation Rule policy. While the circulation rule allows a maximum of 5 checkouts for this item type/user profile combination, the enabled "Maximum Charges applies to all checkouts using this circulation rule" attribute in the CIRCRULE3 policy causes SirsiDynix Symphony to count all of Gwen's magazine, DVD, and Blu-ray disc checkouts together; Gwen has two magazines, one DVD, and one Blu-ray disc checked out (four checkouts in total) and the CIRCRULE3 policy allows five checkouts, so no override is required.
If Gwen attempts to check out a Blu-ray disc, it will fall under the ADLT_VID circulation map line using the CIRCRULE3 Circulation Rule policy. While the circulation rule allows a maximum of 5 checkouts for this item type/user profile combination, the enabled "Maximum Charges applies to all checkouts using this circulation rule" attribute in the CIRCRULE3 policy causes SirsiDynix Symphony to count all of Gwen's magazine, DVD, and Blu-ray disc checkouts together; Gwen has two magazines, one DVD, and one Blu-ray disc checked out (four checkouts in total) and the CIRCRULE3 policy allows five checkouts, so no override is required.
If Gwen’s daughter, Penelope, attempts to check out three DVDs, it will fall under the JUVY_VID circulation map line using CIRCRULE4 Circulation Rule policy. The circulation rule only allows a maximum of two checkouts for this item type/user profile combination. A staff member would have to provide an override before Penelope could check out these items.
If Penelope attempts to check out two DVDs and two magazines, these will fall under the JUVY_VID and JUVY_MAG circulation map lines respectively, which both use the CIRCRULE4 Circulation Rule policy. The circulation rule allows a maximum of two checkouts for each of these item type/user profile combinations, so no override is required. The "Maximum Charges" attribute set in the CIRCRULE4 policy applies to each item type separately because the "Maximum Charges applies to all checkouts using this circulation rule" attribute has not been enabled for the CIRCRULE4 policy.
Using Item Type policies to set item type limitations
If you want to limit the number of items of a particular item type a patron can have checked out at once regardless of which library the items belong to or what the patron's user profile is, use the "Limit number of checkouts for this item type across all libraries" attribute in the Item Type policy. Once you have enabled the "Limit number of checkouts for this item type across all libraries" attribute, the accompanying "Maximum number of checkouts for this item type" attribute becomes available, in which you can specify the number of checkouts allowed for the item type.
This attribute works together with the "Maximum Charges" attribute in any associated Circulation Rule policies. For example, if a patron with five DVDs already checked out wants to check out three more DVDs and the "Maximum Charges" value for the applicable circulation rule is ten (10), but, in the DVD Item Type policy, the "Limit number of checkouts for this item type across all libraries" attribute has been enabled and the "Maximum number of checkouts for this item type" attribute has been set to five (5), the patron won't be able to check out any more DVDs from any of the libraries in the system because of the limit set by the "Maximum number of checkouts for this item type" attribute.
Conversely, if a patron with five DVDs already checked out wants to check out three more DVDs and the "Maximum Charges" value for the applicable circulation rule is five (5), but, in the DVD Item Type policy, the "Limit number of checkouts for this item type across all libraries" attribute has been enabled and the "Maximum number of checkouts for this item type" attribute has been set to seven (7), the patron won't be able to check out any more DVDs from any of the libraries in the system because of the limit set by the "Maximum Charges" attribute.
For more information on the "Limit number of checkouts for this item type across all libraries" attribute, see Limit Number of Checkouts for this Item Type Across All Libraries.
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