Bibliographic Map Wizard
The Bibliographic Map policy is used to define how SirsiDynix Symphony should determine which catalog-purpose Format policy to use when a MARC record is loaded. Prior to the creation of this policy, SirsiDynix Symphony used hard-coded rules for assigning a Format policy when a record was loaded, based on the record type and bibliographic level in the MARC record’s leader. The Bibliographic Map policy allows users to create their own instructions about which Format policy to use when a MARC record is loaded in SirsiDynix Symphony.
From the List Policies window, you can create, display, modify, copy, or remove the Bibliographic Map policies. Clicking Cancel closes the window.
The Bibliographic Map policy includes the following attributes.
• | Name |
• | Description |
• | MARC Family |
• | Record Type |
• | Bibliographic Level |
• | Catalog Format |
The Name attribute uniquely describes the policy. Typically, the name describes the type of item being loaded. This name is ten characters or less, and may not include spaces or punctuation, except for dash (-), underscore (_), and dollar sign ($). Additionally, the pipe character (|) may not be used.
This attribute provides more information about the policy and its use by the library. The description may be up to 60 characters in length. Although the Description attribute may contain spaces and punctuation, the pipe character (|) cannot be used.
The MARC Family attribute contains the name of the MARC Family policy to which this Bibliographic Map policy belongs. Select a MARC Family policy from the list.
The Record Type Code attribute is selected from a list of valid MARC record type codes. This code, which is stored in byte 6 of the leader of a MARC record, is a lower case alphabetic character which describes the type of item in the MARC record. Select a Record Type from the list.
For example, the record type code “e” is defined in the MARC standard as a printed map.
The Bibliographic Level attribute is selected from a list of valid MARC bibliographic level codes. This code, which is stored in byte 7 of the leader of a MARC record, is a space or a lower case alphabetic character which describes whether the record represents a single item, a component part of an item contained in another item, a serial, a collection, or a subunit of a collection. Select a Bibliographic Level from the list.
For example, the record type code “m” is defined in the MARC standard as a monograph or item.
Note: The delivered record type code for a monograph or item is “Space,” which is used to any value not otherwise defined. A complete description of the Record Type and Bibliographic Level codes may be found in the MARC 21 Concise Bibliographic Format (
The Catalog Format attribute contains the name of the Format policy which should be used for records loaded which contain a given record type code and bibliographic level code. Select a Format policy from the list. A Catalog Format Policy helper (Catalog Format Wizard) button is available for creating a new format, if needed.
Sample Bibliographic Map Policies
The following table displays some sample Bibliographic Map policies.
Name |
Record Type |
Bibliographic Level |
Catalog Format |
Description |
p |
space |
Mixed materials |
a |
b |
Article in serial |
a, t |
space |
Monographs |
j |
space |
Musical sound recording |
a |
s |
Serials |
c |
space |
Printed music scores |
d |
space |
Manuscript music scores |
a |
m |
UNIMARC records |
Record Loading and the Bibliographic Map Policy
When MARC records are loaded in SirsiDynix Symphony, the values in the record type and bibliographic level bytes of the leader are compared to the Bibliographic Map policies. If a match is found, the corresponding Format policy is used. If a match is not found, the hard-coded mapping from previous versions will be used to assign a Format policy. If the hard-coded mapping fails to find a match, the record will be loaded using the default Format policy specified in SmartPort or the Load Bibliographic Records, Reload Bibliographic Records, and Review Bibliographic Records reports.

If using the MARC Family feature, matching will be limited to only those Bibliographic Map policies which contain the MARC Family policy selected in SmartPort or the Load Bibliographic Records report.
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