Manage Profiles Wizard
The Manage Profiles wizard, in the Manage Libraries group wizard, is used to manage the Exchange Library’s profiles. This wizard allows you to determine the number of items in each exchange type and exchange category.
You can use the exchange types and exchange categories that you have configured. For each exchange type, Target, Desired, and Quota will display. For each associated exchange category, you can select the percentage or quantity of desired items for your core or new materials.
1 | In the Manage Libraries group, click the Manage Profiles wizard. |
2 | In the Select Exchange Library list, select the exchange library you want, and then click OK. |
3 | On the Profiles tab, make any needed changes. For information on completing these fields, go to Profiles Tab tab. |
4 | On the Exchange Library tab, make any needed changes. For more information on completing these fields go to Exchange Library Tab. |
5 | Click Save to keep your changes or click Close to close this wizard without saving your changes. |
If the exchange library is currently active, modifications will be effective on the next activation.
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