Exchange Library Tab
The Exchange Library tab displays basic information about the exchange library record.
• | Allow Duplicates |
• | Automated Suggestion Notice |
• | Exchange Library and Exchange Contacts Information |
• | Library |
• | Name |
• | New Items Optional for Exchange |
• | Status |
• | Type |
• | Workform Name |
The following fields are defined for the Exchange Library tab.
Specifies whether you always want this exchange library to receive duplicates. If this option is selected, when exchanging items for this library, the system will not verify whether a duplicate title exists. If you do not select this option, you will not receive duplicates, and the system will verify whether a duplicate title exists.
You can select this check box to produce the Suggestion Notice immediately upon activating the library. This enables a drop-down list to the right of the check box. You can select the List – Suggestion Notice Report to use if the Automated Suggestion Notice option is used. The list is dependent on the Suggestion Notices saved as templates within the Reports module.
Exchange Library and Exchange Contacts Information
Provides basic contact information for the library. If this information is required, the user must, at a minimum, complete the Type and Name fields. Different types of contacts can be chosen. Contact types are defined in your polices (for example, head of exchange, head of circulation, volunteer, or mayor). For information on the contact information fields that display on the Exchange Library tab, go to the Exchange Contacts Information.
Specifies the SirsiDynix Symphony library to associate with your exchange library. The list that displays is defined in your policies. There must be a SirsiDynix Symphony library available to create an exchange library. This field is system required.
This is a required field in which you type in the name of the Exchange Library. This is a 60 character alphanumeric field.
New Items Optional for Exchange
Specifies whether you want new items to be mandatory or optional. If you select this option, new items will be optional. The quota will be filled by core items instead of new items. If you do not select this option, new items will be mandatory.
This is a system required, read-only field that displays the status for the exchange library. Status can be the following.
• | Active - This library can currently exchange. |
• | Inactive - This library cannot currently exchange (the system will not select it as a destination). |
• | Disaffiliated - This library is no longer affiliated or no longer participates with the exchange, but since it may in the future, you will still keep the record. |
Specifies the type of library. Library types are defined in your policies such as branch or headquarters.
This is a read-only field that displays the name of the workform you are using with this exchange library record. It is system required.

You can add, modify, and delete notes. The number of notes you can add is not limited.
On the Exchange Library tab, if you have more than one contact in the exchange library record, use the arrow keys to scroll through the contact information.