About the Exchange Items Wizard

The Exchange Items wizard contains the following tabs.

Activated Libraries Tab

Displays the libraries your library has activated for exchange. You can use the arrow buttons to temporarily change the priority. Items will be suggested for exchange to libraries with higher priority. Changing priority from this tab is temporary and will be in effect for as long as the wizard is open. To permanently change priority, you must use the Activate Library wizard.

Exchanges Tab

Displays the Item ID field, Modify Exchange Destination selections, bibliographic information, and messages.

Bibliographic Information - Displays the following information for each item you have exchanged: Personal Author, Title, Exchange Type, Exchange Category, Is New, From Library, and Date Exchanged.
Messages - Displays messages that specify whether there is a problem with an exchange or reasons that an item did not go to a particular destination.

Exchange State Tab

Displays the exchange status for each exchange library. In addition to totals for each column, information is broken down by exchange type and category. To see all of the exchange types and categories of each exchange library, click the plus (+) and minus (-) signs to expand and collapse folders.

Exchange Library - Lists libraries where items will be exchanged.
Target Quota - The ideal number of items the library wishes to received through the overall exchange process.
Global Pending Shipping - The total number of items system-wide that are pending shipping to the activated library.
In Exchange - The number of items currently in exchange at the activated library.
Local Pending Shipping - The total number of items that are pending shipping from the source library to the activated library.
Suggested Exchange - This value depends on whether you are performing a HQ to branch exchange or branch-to-branch exchange.

HQ to branch exchanges

The formula used depends on number of items currently in exchange at the branch compared to the branch's target quota by type/category.

The following calculations will appear in the Exchange Items wizard.

Current quantity in exchange at branch is at, above, or below target: Return Quantity + (Target - In exchange) = Suggested Exchange

Branch-to-branch exchanges

For branch-to-branch exchanges, the following calculations will appear in the Exchange Items wizard:

Per Exchange (from activated library's profile) - Local Pending Shipping + Reciprocal Exchange = Suggested Exchange.

Reciprocal Exchange - Displays the total number of items the source library owes the activated library. This number is cumulative and based on previous exchanges.
Already Shipped - Displays items already shipped.

For more information on how the number of items to exchange/return is calculated, see Calculating the Number of Items to Exchange or Return.

You can adjust the width of columns in the Activated Libraries, Exchanges, Incomplete Sets, and Exchange State tabs. To do this, position the pointer on the right border of the column you want to adjust, and then drag the border to the size you want.

You can copy the content of many of these areas, such the messages, exchange state, incomplete Sets, and the active libraries local priority list.

Incomplete Sets Tab

Displays information about Incomplete Sets received by the exchange library. This tab displays the title of the set, the date the set was received and the portion of items that are missing.

Exchange Boxed Sets Tab

The Exchange Boxed Sets tab is used to exchange boxed sets. You can use the Item Search helper to search for boxed sets either by the Set ID or the Item ID. The items in the boxed set display in the List of Items in Set field at the bottom of the tab. For more information about boxed sets, go to the Manage Sets Wizard.

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