Record Ranges
Holds can be placed across a collection of item records. This collection of item records is called the record range. Types of record ranges include:
• | System Range |
• | Group Range |
• | Library Range |

System range and Group range are valid only for multilibrary systems. Single library systems can apply a hold across only the Library range. When a hold is placed in a single library system, the Library range is automatically specified for the hold.
Range applies only to Title level holds. Range types are not used for Copy level holds because a Copy level hold is placed on a specific copy of an item.
The System range applies the Title level hold across all copies in the system that are eligible to fill the hold. If no qualified copies exist for the title, the operator is prompted for an override code to place the hold on copies that would otherwise be ineligible for the hold.
For example, a patron wants a copy of The Perfect Storm. The patron discovers the Main Library, South Branch Library, and Green Branch Library all own a copy, however, each copy is checked out. The patron is eager to obtain a copy, and asks the library staff to place a Title level, system-range hold across the system. Only copies that are holdable, according to policies, can satisfy the hold.

Demand Management will not prevent the operator from placing a hold that can never be filled, so exercise caution when entering an override code to place a hold on a copy that would not normally be considered to fill the hold.
The Group range applies a Title level hold across all libraries listed in Hold Group Libraries attribute of the station operator’s Library policy. The hold will be placed on items belonging to any library in the group of libraries to which the station operator belongs.
For example, a patron wants to check out a copy of Patriot Games. The patron’s hold group library policy includes the Main Library, East Branch Library, and Uptown Library. It does not contain the South Branch Library or University Library. All copies of the item are checked out from the Main Library, East Branch Library, Uptown Library, and South Branch Library. A copy is available at the University Library. If the patron asks the library staff to place a Title level, Group range hold on the item, the patron will be placed in the queue for the first available copy in the Main Library, East Branch Library, and Uptown Library. The user is not placed in the hold queue for copies at the South Branch Library and University Library.
The Library range applies a Title level hold across the copies available in the item’s library.
For example, a patron wants a copy of Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. The patron’s library owns three copies, but all of them are checked out. If the patron asks the library staff to place a Title level, Library range hold, the user is placed in the queue to receive the one of the library’s copies when it becomes available.