FAQs: Managing User Claims of Returned Items

How do I mark items that a user claims to have returned if the user forgot his or her library card?

If the user cannot give you a library card to scan, use the User Search Helper without leaving the User Claims Returned Wizard to search for the user’s record.

To mark items as Claims Returned without scanning a library card

If a list displays, select the user, and then click Mark Charges Claimed Returned.

What date should I enter in the Claims Returned field?

The date you enter depends on your library’s policy for handling a user’s claims of returning items. Your library can select one of the following dates.

Date item was due.
Date user claims to have returned the item.
Date user made the claim.

What happens after I mark an item as Claims Returned?

The date you enter in the Claims Returned field is added to the user record and item record. The item remains charged to the user. The following list describes the effects on the user record, item record, fines, notices, and user status when an item is marked as Claims Returned.

If you view the user’s record with the Display User wizard, the Checkouts tab will show the user’s current checkouts. The item the user claims to have returned still displays in the Checkouts tab under the Status column as claims returned. When you click the Item ID glossary link, information about the charged item appears. The Claims Ret field displays the date you entered with the User Claims Returned wizard. The item the user claims to have returned stays on the user’s record until the item is discharged from the user.
Fines are billed to the user depending on the original due date and claims returned date. If you entered a claims returned date that is on or before the item’s due date, no fines are billed to the user. If you entered a claims returned date that is after the item’s due date, estimated fines are calculated from the due date through the date claimed and SirsiDynix Symphony bills the user accordingly when the item is checked in or renewed. If the claims returned item is eventually marked as LOST, the user may be billed for processing fees and/or the cost of the item.
Overdue notices will continue to be created and sent to the user until the item is discharged from the user, marked as MISSING or LOST. Reports can be set up to exclude charges that have a Claims Returned date.
If the user’s status is BLOCKED because the user has too many charges, marking an item as Claims Returned will not change the user status. The BLOCKED user status remains until the item is discharged from the user’s record, or until other items are returned and the user’s number of current checkouts is below the charge limit.
If the user’s status is DELINQUENT because of the accruing fines, marking an item as Claims Returned will not change the user status. Fines will continue to accrue on the item until a date is entered in the Claims Returned field. Fines will be calculated if the claims returned date is later than the original due date. The DELINQUENT user status will remain until all bills on the user’s record are paid, cancelled, or forgiven, and until all overdue items are returned.

What happens with fines and bills if the user claims to have returned the item?

Fines are billed to the user depending on the original due date and claims returned date.

If you entered a claims returned date that is on or before the item’s due date, no fines are billed to the user.
If you entered a claims returned date that is after the item’s due date, fines are calculated on the days overdue up to and including the claims returned date, and are billed to the user.
If the claims returned item is eventually marked as LOST, the user can be billed for processing fees and/or the cost of the item if your library’s policies are set to bill a user for the lost item.
When a bill for overdue fines or lost items is created, your library can choose to collect the money, cancel part or all of the bill, or forgive part or all of the bill. Your library should decide what to do about bills for fines or lost items when the user claims to have returned the item. The bill is not created until the item is discharged from the user.

What happens with overdue notices if the user claims to have returned an item?

Overdue notices continue to be generated until the item is checked in, marked as MISSING, or marked as LOST.

How do I prevent an overdue notice from being sent to the user who claims to have returned the item?

When you run the Overdue Notice report, you can exclude all items currently charged to users who claimed to have returned the items.

To exclude Claims Returned items from the Overdue Notice report

NEVER displays in the Date Claims Returned field.

No overdue notices will be generated for items that have a Claims Return date specified in the item record.

What happens to the DELINQUENT or BLOCKED user status if the user claims to have returned an item?

User status is not affected when a Claims Returned date is specified in the item and user record.

If the user’s status is DELINQUENT because of the accruing fines, marking an item as Claims Returned will not change the user status. Fines will continue to accrue on the item until a date is entered in the Claims Returned box. Fines will be calculated if the claims returned date is later than the original due date. The DELINQUENT user status will remain until all bills on the user’s record are paid, cancelled, or forgiven, and until all overdue items are returned.

If the user’s status is BLOCKED because the user has too many charges, marking an item as Claims Returned will not change the user status because the item remains charged to the user. The BLOCKED user status remains on the user’s record until the number of current checkouts is below the charge limit. Current checkouts drop below the charge limit when the claims returned item is discharged from the user’s record, or when other items are returned.

When an item that was marked as Claims Returned is checked in, why does the ALERT message stay on the user record display?

The ALERT message stays on the display of the user record as long as the Claims Returned field has a value greater than none or zero. The ALERT is removed when the Claims Returned value has been removed from the user record. The Claims Returned value can only be removed manually from the user record.

Can I change or remove the Claims Returned value in the user record?

The Claims Returned value shows the number of claims a user made during the history of his or her use of your library. Therefore, the value is not intended to be changed or removed from the user’s record. If you accidentally mark an item as Claims Returned, you can correct the Claims Returned value.

To change or remove the Claims Returned value in the user record

In the user record display, does the number in the Claims Returned field decrease if the item the user claimed to have returned is checked in?

No. The Claims Returned field value does not decrease when an item is later checked in because the claimed returned information is kept in the user record to show a history of claims for the user. The Claims Returned value decreases only if you manually change or remove the value from the user record with the Modify User wizard.

What happens if an item a user claims to have returned is marked as MISSING or LOST?

The Claims Returned value shown in the user record does not change when an item the user claims to have returned is marked as MISSING or LOST. The item is not removed from the user record until the item is discharged from the user. When the item is cleared from the user’s record, the Claims Returned value remains the same because it shows the history of claims for the user.

Is there a report that lists items users claim to have returned?

No. SirsiDynix Symphony does not have a report that specifically lists items that users claim to have returned. You can run the List Charges report and select ANY for the Date Claims Returned field. The List Charges report shows the item information and user information for the user who has checked out the item.

The List Charges report finds items the user claims to have returned only if the item is still charged.

How do I list users who claim to have returned items when the user records do not contain any current checkouts?

You can run the List Users report (in the User report group) to print a list of users who do not have any items currently checked out and claim to have returned at least one item. On the User Selection tab of the report, enter 0 in the Number of Charges field, and enter >0 (greater than zero) in the Number of Claims Returned field.

The List Users report only lists users who have claimed to have returned items. It will not print a list of items the user(s) claim to have returned.

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