Display User Group Charges Helper
The Display User Group Charges helper is used to display information about a user group and lists charges for the members of the group. This helper displays in the Display User wizard.
To display charges for a user group
1 | Click the Display User wizard. |
2 | Search for the user by entering a value in the User ID box, or click the User Search helper for additional searching methods. |
3 | When the user record displays, click the Display User Group Charges helper. |
A window opens with a list in the left pane of user IDs for users in the group. The user ID of users with charges displays normally, with a folder next to the user ID. The user IDs of group members who do not have charges display in gray.
To see information about a particular user in the group, click the user ID in the left pane.
To see information about a particular charge for that user, click the title in the user’s folder in the left pane.
After you have viewed this information, click one of the following buttons to continue:
• | Lookup Another User Group displays another user group. |
• | Return to Search List returns to the search list. |
• | Cancel exits the helper. |

The Display User Group Charges helper is only available if the User Groups feature is enabled.
If the User Groups feature is enabled, the presence of this helper is controlled in the Display User wizard properties.
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