Decisions Tab: Users

This tab displays all titles linked to a selection list that have been processed by selectors. The following information appears on this tab.

Field Definitions


Each selection list can have any number of lines associated with it. This column displays the Selection List ID associated with the decision.


This column displays an item’s main title, using initial capitalization. This field is cataloged using the 245 tag.


This field contains the status for a selection list. The defined status values may display any of the following.

ACTIVE – Select the ACTIVE status and selectors can make selection list decisions. Control information can be modified, and list lines can still be added, modified, or removed.
BUILDING – If the selection list status is BUILDING, you can make changes to list lines, but cannot make decisions at this point. You can add, modify, or remove list lines, and even remove the entire selection list if you remove the last list line.
INACTIVE – Select the INACTIVE status if you do not want to use the list at this time. No changes can be made to the list lines and no decisions can be made. When the selection list status is inactive, only the selection list status can be edited; all other fields, including extended information fields, are read-only.
ORDERED – The Order From Selection List wizard changes the selection list status to ORDERED when all decisions are converted to orders/orderlines. You cannot modify the ORDERED status using the Modify Selection List wizard. When a selection list’s status is ORDERED, selection list control information cannot be modified, nor can list line or decision information.
READY – Select the READY status and the Order From Selection List wizard can be used to create orders. No more decisions can be made. List lines cannot be modified. Only the extended information fields on the selection control record can be modified.
REVIEW – The selection list has reached the cutoff date for selection decisions. Decisions can only be modified. No orders can be created at this time.