Add Brief Title Wizard Properties

You can change current system settings in the Add Brief Title wizard using the Set Properties window. The Add Brief Title wizard allows you to set the following properties.

Display Property Page

You can choose when to display the Add Brief Title wizard’s Set Properties window by selecting one of the following options.

Wizard Startup – Displays the Set Properties window the first time you access the wizard until you end the wizard session or log off the client.
Never – Does not display the Set Properties window the first time you access the wizard. If Never is selected and you want to open the Set Properties window, point to the wizard’s toolbar button, right-click, and then click Properties on the shortcut menu.

Depending on the value selected in Display Property Page, defaults may appear as the first step of the wizard. Property values that are changed in the first step of a wizard are retained only until the right-click method is used to set properties.


On the Behavior tab, select or clear any of the following check boxes.

Auto-generate Item ID When Adding Item – Automatically generate an item ID when adding this title.
ISXN Warnings Must Be Acknowledged – Displays ISBN or ISSN validation warnings when an incorrect ISBN/ISSN is entered. You will have the opportunity to correct the ISBN or ISSN or acknowledge the warnings and continue. By default, this check box is cleared.


For the item fields listed below, a selected check box indicates that the field can be edited. If the check box is not selected, the field can not be edited.

Class Scheme
Call Number
Item Type
Home Location
Item ID
Item Category 1
Item Category 2
Item Category 3
Item Category 4
Item Category 5

Note: The Item ID option is selected and disabled if the Auto-generate Item ID When Adding Item option is cleared.

At End of Wizard

Under At End of Wizard, select one of the following options.

Show Checked Buttons specifies which command buttons display as choices for the wizard’s final step. Under Show, the following options are available. By default, all check boxes are selected.
Add Another Brief Title adds another brief title.
Make More Changes modifies the brief title information.
Close exits the wizard.
Perform Selected Action specifies which action will be automatically performed as the wizard’s final step. Under Perform, select one of the following options to be performed automatically as the wizard’s final step.
Add Another Brief Title adds another brief title.
Close exits the wizard.


On the Defaults tab, select values for the following fields. Values are determined by your policies. For more information on these fields, see Item Wizards Properties Fields.

Format – Controls the display, editing, data validation, and indexing of all fields in the bibliographic record. The default selection is MARC.
Use Entries – Controls which tags display in the selected format. If you select the SELECT ENTRIES option, you can add additional tags in the Entries field. Each tag should be separated by a comma, for example, 300,650,710. The default selection is 100,245.
Shadow Title – Select the Shadow Title check box if the title should be part of the shadowed catalog. By default this check box is selected.
Permanent – Select the Permanent check box if the item is part of your library’s permanent collection. By default, this check box is cleared.
Circulate – Select the Circulate check box if the item is allowed to circulate outside the library. By default, this check box is selected.
Type – In the Type list, select the kind of item or how it will circulate. The default selection is BOOK.
Library – Specifies the owning library.
Home Location – Specifies where copies of the title belong in the library.
Class Scheme – Select the default classification scheme you want to use when modifying a call number. The list that displays is based on the Classification policy that defines capitalization rules, sorting rules, and ascending or descending order. The default selection is AUTO.

Note: When the wizard starts, it checks to see if the system is configured for a multilibrary system. If the system is configured for a single library system, the wizard ignores the default Library property and uses the specified station library.

Optional Fields – Under Optional Fields, set values in the Item Cat1 and Item Cat2 fields. These fields are based on the Item Category1 and Item Category2 policies, which are used for statistical purposes. By default these list boxes are blank.

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