Session Settings Wizard: Acquisitions and Selection Lists

The Session Settings wizard guides you through the process of determining specific property-type settings for a range of wizards during your client session. The values in the Session Settings behave in the same way that wizard properties behave. If you save properties when exiting, your Session Settings are saved for use in the next client session.

The defaults contained in these Session Settings will be used throughout the wizards on the Acquisitions module and Selection module toolbars.

Click the Session Settings wizard to specify acquisitions settings. If no preference defaults are set at the start of a wizard, a system message appears, and the Session Settings wizard displays automatically for review.

Review Settings Each Session – Select or clear this check box to specify whether you want to review acquisitions settings with each workstation session.

Behavior Tab

On the Behavior tab, you can set the following properties.

Search Library Preferences

The Search Library List Type property allows the SirsiDynix Symphony administrator to control what libraries are accessible in the Search Library list when searching items. This property setting will affect all acquisitions and selection list wizards that begin with the Item Search.

The following selections are available. Search by Library is the default option.

Search by Library — If you click this option, the Search Library List property becomes active. The libraries presented in this property list are defined in Library policies. (This option does not refer to the Search Library policies.)

From the drop-down list, select one of the following Search Library lists.

All – Includes all libraries on the system
Acquisition Display Libs – Includes the libraries defined in the Library policy’s Acquisitions Display Libraries attribute
Search by Search Library Group — If you click this option, the Search Library list will be built from values in the Search Library policies. (This option does not refer to the Library Group policies.)
Search by Library or Search Library Group — If you click this option, all libraries on your system and all Search Library policies will be included in the Search Library list. The libraries and Search Library policies will be inter-filed alphabetically. (This option does not refer to the Library Group policies.)

If your search does not produce any hits, you will be sent to a browse window, and the browse search results will no longer be filtered by your library search selection.

To see how these behavior properties affects acquisitions records searches, see “How Maintenance and Display libraries affect acquisitions records searches” in FAQs: Understanding Multilibrary Acquisitions.

Order Behavior

Determine whether to allow the option to change the date ready in order records, and whether a prompt will display when on-order holds are about to be cancelled.

Enter Date Ready – If selected, the Date Ready in all Order and Orderline wizards can be modified. If cleared, the Date Ready default property in the Add Basic Order, Add Dated Order, Add Recurring Order, Duplicate Order and Add Orderlines wizards will be read only, and the default for the Date Ready property (regardless of setting) will be NEVER. The Date Ready field in each of these wizards cannot be modified. By default, this check box is selected.
Prompt for Confirmation Before Cancelling Holds – If selected, a confirmation prompt displays when holds for on-order materials are about to be removed automatically because an orderline is removed, cancelled, or some action is taken to cancel the on-order holds. By default, this check box is selected.

Note: This check box displays only if SirsiDynix Symphony is configured to allow on-order holds, and if the Automatically Cancel On-Order Holds When Order For Material On Hold is Changed/Removed global property is selected.

Defaults Tab

On the Defaults tab, you can set up your system to allow these variations to the acquisitions wizard process.

Session Preferences

Make selections for the following settings.

Maintenance Library – Select the maintenance library for this session from the list. The maintenance libraries are defined in the Library policies.
Display Library – Select the display library for this session from the list. The display libraries are defined in the Library policies.
Fiscal Cycle – Select the fiscal cycle you will typically use for this session from the list.

For more information about maintenance and display libraries, see FAQs: Understanding Display and Maintenance Libraries.

Fund Preferences

Make selections for the following settings that are used when working with funds.

Library Authorization – Supplies the default fund library authorization value to the Add Fund wizard and the Add Fund Cycle wizard. Fund library authorization provides a means to limit fund cycle purchasing to a library or list of libraries.
When the Library Authorization field is empty, library authorization has no effect on orders. A fund cycle with an empty Library Authorization field can be used to purchase materials for any library.
When the Library Authorization field contains a policy value, the fund cycle can be used to purchase materials only for the libraries specified in the selected Fund Library Authorization policy.

Note: This field displays only in multilibrary systems. For more information about fund library authorization, see the FAQs: Understanding Fund Library Authorization topic.

Display Archived Entry Field in Audit Trail Tab – If this check box is selected, the Archived Entry field will display on the Audit Trail Tab that displays in fund wizards. The Archived Entry field was used by the Delete Archived Audit Trail Entries report to store audit trail information. (Audit trail information once appeared on the Extended Info tab. This information was archived on the library’s server, and then reloaded into the audit trail database.)

Display Preferences

Determine whether to display any additional fields when working with order wizards. Select or clear the check boxes for the following field display options.

Order in Foreign Currencies
Specify Discount in Order
Enter Requisition Number in Order
Enter Ship Info in Distribution
Enter Requestor ID
Enter Extended Price

You can make the following selections for displaying segments.

Display Only Selected Segment in Viewer Pane of Segments Interface – Select this check box, and all segments will display in the Segment tree, but only the segment currently selected in the tree will display in the view pane. Clear this check box, and all segments will display in both the Segment tree and the view pane, subject to the following limit.
Number of Segments to Trigger Display of Single Selected Segment in Viewer Pane – The client limits the number of segments that can display simultaneously in the view pane of the Segments interface. The maximum value for this property is 200. Using the delivered default value of 100, the view pane will display all segments for orderlines with as many as 99 segments.You may set the trigger for this display change to any number up to and including 200. For orderlines with a number of segments greater than or equal to the specified value, the view pane will display only the segment selected in the Segment tree. This field is only available when you clear the Display Selected Segment Only in Viewer Pane of Segments Interface check box.

These segment settings affect the order wizards and the Order Map wizard.

Orderline Tree

Select or clear the following check boxes for orderline display options.

Display Extended Info Alerts in Tree When Orderline is Expanded
Display Distributions in Tree When Orderline is Expanded
Display Claim/Cancel Segments in Tree When Orderline is Expanded
Sort Order Tree by Title

Invoice Behavior Preferences

Make selections for the following settings.

Automatically Number Invoicelines – Select this check box to automatically number invoice lines as they are created. Numbers are “padded” with zeros for better sorting.
Warn When the Difference Between Invoice Amount and Order Amount Exceeds % and $ – Select this check box to have warning messages display when the difference between the amount invoiced for an item and the discounted price of the item (from the orderline) exceeds a threshold. If this check box is selected, and a threshold is specified, warnings can display when invoice lines are validated in the following circumstances.
In invoice line linked to an order is created using the Add Invoice Wizard or the Add Invoice Lines wizard.
An invoice line linked to an order is created using one of the helper or tools that automates the creation of invoice lines from orderlines.
An invoice line linked to an order is modified, and the Amount field is changed.
An invoice line linked to an order is created using the Book X12 Invoices (Bookinvoicex12) report.

You can set a percentage threshold, monetary amount threshold, or both a percentage and a monetary amount threshold.

If you specify only a percentage threshold, a warning message displays only when the difference between the amount invoiced for an item and the discounted price of the item exceeds the specified percentage.
If you specify only a monetary amount threshold, a warning message displays only when the difference between the amount invoiced for an item and the discounted price of the item exceeds the specified amount. You can type a whole monetary unit, a whole unit and a decimal unit, or a currency symbol and a monetary unit. For example, if the local currency is U.S. dollars, typing 5, 5.00, and $5.00 are all valid forms to specify the amount of five dollars.
If you specify both a percentage threshold and a monetary amount threshold, a warning message displays only when the difference between the amount invoiced for an item and the discounted price of the item exceeds the specified percentage and the specified amount.

By default, the Warn When the Difference Between Invoice Amount and Order Amount Exceeds check box is cleared, and the percentage and amount fields are blank.

Note: If you select this check box but do not set either a percentage threshold or a monetary amount threshold, the setting is ignored and invoice lines are not checked for percentage or amount difference errors.

Invoice lines that use the ADJUST link type are not validated for amount differences.

Warn When the Invoice Quantity Exceeds the Received Quantity – Select this check box to have warning messages display when total quantity invoiced is greater than the quantity received on the orderline. By default, this check box is cleared.

If this check box is selected, warnings can display when invoice lines are validated in the following circumstances.

In invoice line linked to an order is created using the Add Invoice wizard or the Add Invoice Lines wizard.
An invoice line linked to an order is created using one of the helper or tools that automates the creation of invoice lines from orderlines.
An invoice line linked to an order is modified, and the Quantity field is changed.
An invoice line linked to an order is created using the Book X12 Invoices report.
Default Invoice Line Material Type (Orderline Link) – Select the default acquisitions material type to set when ORDER linked invoice lines, ADJUST linked invoice lines, Rebate/Adjust linked invoice lines, or Tax/Adjust linked invoice lines are created and linked to an orderline that does not specify an acquisitions material type. By default, this property is blank.
Default Invoice Line Material Type (Fund Link) – Select the default acquisitions material type to set when FUND linked invoice lines, Rebate/Fund linked invoice lines, or Tax/Fund linked invoice lines are created. By default, this property is blank.
Calculate Invoice Taxes Automatically – Select this check box to set the Tax Calculated flag to Y when you create an invoice. As you create an invoice line on the invoice, a tax invoice line (or multiple lines, if multiple taxes are applied) with the appropriate tax amount will be added. If tax rebates are used, one or more tax rebate invoice lines are added, if applicable, when you create an invoice line. When the invoice lines is created or modified, the corresponding tax and tax rebate invoice lines will be updated.

This option is only available if Invoice Tax is configured on the system. By default, this option is cleared. When this option is selected, the following fields are available and are required values.

Tax Calculation Method – Select a tax calculation method from the list, either Link Tax Amounts to Default Tax Fund (tax and tax rebate amounts are directly linked to a fund) or Link Tax Amounts to Order Funds or Default Tax Fund (similar to adjust linked invoice lines, tax and tax rebate amounts are linked to the funds used in the orders entered on the invoice). The default is Link Tax Amounts to Default Tax Fund.
Default Tax Fund – Select a default fund to use for tax and tax rebate amounts. Use the Fund Search gadget to select a fund. When Calculate Invoice Taxes Automatically is selected, you are required to set this default.

Note: If the tax fund used for automatically created Tax/Fund and Rebate/Fund linked lines will vary from invoice to invoice, the Display Property Page wizard property for the Add Invoice wizard and the Add Invoice Lines wizard should be set to Wizard Startup. This wizard property setting ensures the user will have the opportunity to review the current default tax fund before creating an invoice or invoice lines with these wizards.

If the Calculate Invoice Taxes Automatically check box is selected, and you specify a default tax fund that does not exist or is overencumbered, the following message displays when you try to create an invoice or add an invoice line. “Fund not found (Error calculating tax lines).”

Invoice lines for taxes will not be automatically created when the message displays. You must correct the default tax fund selection before the invoice can be created and/or invoice lines can be added.

Allow Edits to Amount Field in System Calculated Tax Invoice Lines – Select this check box to allow the Amount field to be edited in automatically-calculated tax and tax rebate invoice lines. This option is only available if Invoice Tax is configured on the system. By default, this option is cleared.
Default Tax Handling – Select the default Tax Handling setting that is to be used for the Tax1 Handling, Tax2 Handling, and/or Tax3 Handling field in invoice lines when the acquisitions material type is not set in an invoice line, or if no line in the Tax Handling map can be applied to determine the acquisitions material type to set for the invoice line. The property can be set to one of the following values.
Exempt specifies that the materials are exempt from taxes.
Rebate specifies that a percentage of the tax on the materials is returned. When this value is selected, the corresponding Rebate field becomes active. A value from 0% to 100% may be typed into the Rebate field.

Note: The Rebate value is available only if the Tax Rebates policy in the Global Configuration wizard is set to Use Tax Rebates.

Standard specifies that the tax is applied to materials without any special exceptions or circumstances. This value is delivered as the selected default.
Zero specifies that the tax is applied to materials at a zero rate.

Note: The Zero value is available only if the Zero Rated Tax policy in the Global Configuration wizard is set to Use Zero Rated Tax.

Create Invoice Lines for Order Defaults

Helpers in Receive Orders, Add Invoice and Add Invoice Lines use these settings. Select an option to invoice orderlines

Automatically invoice all orderlines
Automatically invoice orderlines that are received–in–full (default)
Allow selection of orderlines for invoicing – Selecting this option will result in displaying the Invoicing tree, where the order is displayed in a tree format, and you can view the order information in the view pane before creating invoice lines.
Populate Invoice Line Amount from Order Line – Clear this property when it is expected that the order price and invoice price will differ. When cleared, the invoice line amounts will default to zero. Select this property when invoicing approval orders, or any ordering scenario where the invoice price is known when you create the order. By default, this property is cleared.
After Invoice Lines Have Been Created, Display a Confirmation Message (applies to automatic options only)
Add Linking Errors to the Invoice Line Entry – Select an invoice line extended information entry to be used for recording linking errors. It is important to use this mechanism to record linking errors so that problems can be identified and corrected, and the linking can be completed manually. (applies to automatic options only)

Selection List Behavior Preferences

Enter Listline Vendor – Select this check box, and you are prompted to type a vendor ID for each selection list line. If the property is not selected, then a vendor ID cannot be entered when creating a list line. By default, the Enter Listline Vendor check box is cleared.

Select this session setting to allow creating one order per vendor when using the Order From Selection List wizard.

Orderline Defaults

Sum Distribution Quantities – Select this check box to sum the funded quantities and set orderline quantities automatically as distributions are added to the order. This feature is useful when you are ordering many copies of a title and don’t want to be concerned with adding up the funded quantities to calculate the total quantities. By default, the Sum Distribution Quantities check box is cleared. Even if you leave this check box cleared in wizard properties, you will have the option of selecting the Sum Distribution Quantities feature in the order wizard work flow.

For more information about this feature, see FAQs: Adding a Basic Order.

New Segments Defaults

Make the following default selections.

Funding – Select a funding default value from the list.
Split Funding – If you selected a Multiple Funding default, select a Split Funding default from this, either Amount Split or Percentage Split.
Distribution – Select a default distribution from the list, either Holding Distribution or User Distribution.

The segments defaults will apply to all new segments as they are created.

Claim and Cancellation Defaults

Make the following default selections.

Cancel Reason – Select a default cancel reason from the list.
Claim Reason – Select a default claim reason from the list.
Claim On – Set a default claim date using the Calendar gadget.

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