Review All Vendors Wizard

The Review All Vendors wizard guides you through the process of reviewing the amounts, averages, and quantities information for all vendors within a specific fiscal cycle.

To review vendor amounts, averages, and quantities

If you clear the When Searching Vendors, Go Directly From Vendor Lookup to Review All property, you can select multiple variations of the same vendor name for review, and the wizard will display all totals for the vendor, even though the vendor may have multiple profiles. Often, libraries need to create multiple vendor profiles for the same vendor. For example, EBSCO-REF and EBSCO-SERIAL are for the same vendor, but represent different fund sources.

After reviewing all vendors for this fiscal cycle, you can click one of the following options.

Review Selected Vendors, if displayed, to select other vendors for review
Return to Vendor List, if displayed, to return to the list of searched vendors
New Search to start a new vendor search
Close to exit the Review All Vendors

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