FAQs: Reviewing Vendors

How do I display performance information across all vendors?

Use the Review All Vendors wizard to view vendor performance information. Type ALL in the Search For field, select a fiscal cycle, then click Search. Totals for all vendors for the specified fiscal cycle will appear on the Amounts Tab: Vendors, Averages Tab, and Quantities Tab. For more information, go to the Review All Vendors Wizard and tab topics.

How do I display performance information for a single vendor that has multiple vendor records?

Often, libraries need to create multiple vendor profiles for the same vendor. For example, EBSCO-REF and EBSCO-SERIAL are for the same vendor but represent different fund sources. Using the Review All Vendors wizard, if you clear the When Searching Vendors, Go Directly From Vendor Lookup to Review All property, you can select multiple variations of the same vendor name for review, and the wizard will display all totals for the vendor, even though the vendor may have multiple profiles.

My vendor record has a standard 15% discount, but the discount performance is only 5%? Why?

Proration of taxes and shipping can significantly reduce the standard discount applied to your orders. Additionally, linking invoices directly to funds for service charges can increase your overall order price. Even though a vendor may discount the per item price that you pay, if you use any invoice line proration (Copy Prorated, Line Prorated, Price Prorated) to distribute shipping charges or taxes across orderlines, that additional cost is factored into that vendor’s performance. If you do not use proration for TAX and SHIPPING, but instead you maintain a SERVICES fund to which you charge all shipping for the library, the amount is still factored into the vendor’s performance as long as your library uses invoices to pay orders. This feature allows you to track those hidden costs with a vendor.

Can I save vendor performance data to a spreadsheet file?

Yes. In the Review All Vendors wizard, the Save Averages Data to a File Helper and Save Amounts and Quantities Data to a File Helper are available for saving performance data from the Averages, Amounts, and Quantities tabs to files on your workstation, that can later be opened in a spreadsheet application. Go to the helper topics for more information.

We have a vendor with several sub-accounts. How do we obtain annual subtotals and overall totals (of all sub-accounts) for this vendor?

When you have several sub-accounts with a vendor, it is recommended that you create separate vendor records for each account. For instance, if you have a serials vendor that you order direct supply items from, but also order titles from the vendor’s consolidation service, you will need to create two vendor records, one for each customer account number. To view the annual subtotals for these vendor accounts, you can use the Review All Vendors wizard, browse the vendor by name, and select the check boxes next to the related vendor records. After you click Review Selected Vendors, annual totals will appear in a table on the Amounts tab. The overall total for all vendor sub-accounts appears in the first line of the table. Then, each vendor sub-account appears in the list with ordered, encumbered, invoiced, and paid totals.

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