Modify Invoiceline Tool

Use the Modify Invoiceline tool to modify an existing invoice line. Invoice line fields can be edited, as well as extended information fields.

To modify an invoice line

Important Considerations When Using this Tool

If an invoice line is paid, you can only modify the date paid, check number, and invoice line extended information.
If an invoice line is a tax or tax rebate line that was automatically created, and if the Allow Edits to Amount Field in System Calculated Tax Invoice Lines check box is selected in Session Settings wizard, you can only modify the Amount field. If you modify the Amount field, the Tax Calculated flag on the invoice is set to N.
If the invoice line has an associated tax line that has already been paid, you cannot modify the selected invoice line. The following message displays.

This invoice line cannot be edited because system-maintained invoice tax lines related to this line are paid.

If the Warn When the Difference Between Invoice Amount and Order Amount Exceeds % and $ check box is selected and thresholds are set in the Session Settings wizard for Acquisitions, the following message displays if the invoice line amount validation fails. (Invoice line amount validation is not done for Adjusted Link type invoice lines.) “WARNING: The difference between order price and invoice price exceeds the threshold.”
If the Warn When the Invoice Quantity Exceeds the Received Quantity check box is selected in the Session Settings wizard for Acquisitions, the following message displays if the invoice line quantity validation fails. “WARNING: The quantity invoiced is greater than the quantity received.”

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