FAQs: Processing/Closing Received Orders

What is the overall process for receiving orders?

The Receive Orders wizard guides you through the process of receiving an existing order. The Receive Orders wizard provides two interfaces for receiving orders: Receive Orders (Tree) and Receive Orderlines (Single Orderline).

See the Receive Orders Wizard topic for information about receiving orders using the Receive Orders interface.

See the Receiving Orders Using the Receive Orderline Interface topic for information about receiving single orderlines.

Can I auto-create invoice lines for an order when receiving the order?

Yes. Using the Create Invoice Lines for Order helper, you can select an order and automatically create invoice lines for that order. In helper properties, you can elect to skip partially received and unreceived orderlines. Select this option if your library has a policy of paying for fully received orderlines only. Clear this option if your library pays invoices regardless of receipt status. Also, you can automatically populate the invoice line amount from the order line amount. This is useful when invoicing approval orders, or any ordering scenario where the invoice price is known when you create the order. Do not select the property to populate the invoice line amount if you know the order price and invoice price may differ. When the property is not selected, invoice lines are created for with zero amounts. You can use the Modify Invoiceline tool to update each line to reflect the invoiced amounts.

How do I process materials received for individual users?

When you create a user distribution segment in the orderline, the item, when it arrives, will not be added to the library’s collection, but instead will be given to the user for whom it was ordered. When ordering supplies through the Acquisitions Module, the library may enter itself as a user in a user distribution segment, especially if any items need to be shipped to a special library department.

Processing of user distribution orders is different than it is for items that will be added to the catalog. When ordered items are received for user distributions, you might notify those users of items that have been received and await pickup, or you might generate those received items in a packing list and send the received orders to the user directly.

As long as the order has not been processed, the order is considered to be an “undelivered” order when it is displayed as part of the Item Search and Display wizard. A user distribution order is considered processed when the Delivered field in the holding distribution displays as an actual date, not the word NEVER. Whatever the library’s final processing step is, the date the order is “closed” or is recorded in the user distribution segment’s date Delivered field. While this field is NEVER, the user distribution is considered open. The final processing step for user distributions should change the date Delivered from NEVER to an actual date. This can be done by a regularly scheduled User Order Distribution Notice report, which produces the user distribution pickup notice or a user distribution packing list. Updating the Delivered date with this report is an option.

What if I don’t want to send a User Order Distribution Notice to close a user’s order?

Sometimes circumstances are such that the User Order Distribution Notice should not be used to close out a user distribution order. The user may be in the library to pick up the material before the User Order Distribution report is run, or the library may send notices to the users about picking up their items but not actually mark the user distribution as delivered until the user actually comes to the library to get the materials. The processing step for user distributions changes a field called Delivered from NEVER to an actual date, so the order may be closed using the Modify Order wizard.

How do I process materials received for the library collection?

When order line items represent titles or copies which will become part of the library’s collection, the bibliographic description for that title will eventually need to be added to the catalog. The bibliographic description may be added to the catalog at any point before, during, or after the acquisition process. Catalog materials ordered could include new titles or extra copies or volumes of a title. You may add a title or capture a bibliographic record, then create an order linked to the title. Information from the bibliographic record displays with the order line item. Or, you may create an order record that contains an internal description of the item being ordered.

The link between an order line item and a title may be created, removed, or changed. Go to FAQs: Linking Orders and Titles.

Once the title-order line link has been created, the connection between the two records allows orderline holdings to create new call numbers and items in the catalog. SirsiDynix Symphony can create call numbers and items by interpreting the holding code in the linked orderline’s distribution segment(s).

If assigning a holding code is considered a cataloging rather than an acquisitions function, all orderline records may be created with a default holding code. When cataloging staff loads the holdings into the catalog, a different holding code can be selected so the new call numbers and items have the correct item type, location, and other item characteristics.

If you notice that the wrong title has been linked to an order, the Change Title Link helper may be used on the Title Info tab of the Modify Order wizard to re-link the order to the correct title. Then you can use that order record’s holdings to automatically load item information into the catalog.

As long as the order connected to the title has not been processed, the title linked to the order displays an ON-ORDER message to all users of the e–Library, and is considered to be an “open” order when it is displayed as part of the Item Search and Display wizard. A library holdings order is considered processed when the date Loaded field in the holding distribution displays as an actual date, not the word NEVER. Use the Add Ordered Items to Catalog wizard to load items into the catalog.

What if I don’t want to add received items into the catalog?

Sometimes circumstances put the title and all call number and item holdings into the catalog while the orderline record is still considered to be open. Perhaps the library’s procedures call for all gift titles to have a full bibliographic record added to the catalog with holdings before a GIFT order is created in the Acquisitions module. If the captured title is linked to the gift order, the title will display the ON-ORDER message. That message may not be accurate because the correct holdings for all copies have already been added to the catalog. That line item order must be marked as closed or processed without actually loading the copies with the Add Ordered Items to Catalog wizard. The order may be closed using the Modify Order wizard to update the Loaded field as the material is processed.

Using the Modify Order wizard to change the date loaded from NEVER to an actual date does not add call number and item holdings to the catalog; it only marks a distribution segment as closed so the catalog no longer displays the ON-ORDER message.

How do I close an order using the Modify Order wizard?

The Modify an Order wizard allows you to mark orders as processed, either loaded for holdings distributions or delivered for user distributions, by changing the Loaded or Delivered value from NEVER to an actual date.

When you use the Modify Order wizard rather than the Add Ordered Items to Catalog wizard to mark items as processed, SirsiDynix Symphony does not add the items to the catalog. If you want to add an item to the catalog that already has a loaded date, use the Call Number/Item Maintenance or the Add Item wizards to create each item separately. Or, you could load a bibliographic record with a 949 or 999 field with the correct holding information to add the appropriate call numbers and items.

What if I want to un-process loaded or delivered orders?

A staff member might have created, received, and loaded holdings, only to discover that the order was linked to the wrong title record, and that the call numbers and items were added to the incorrect title. It is also possible for a user distribution to be linked to an incorrect title. Even if the items are not loaded, the title should be properly linked.

The steps you follow to un-process library holding distributions added to the catalog or user distributions depend on how many processing steps must be undone. These are the four basic un-processing phases.

Remove the “bad” holdings (Not necessary for user distributions)
Set the Loaded (or Delivered) field in distributions to NEVER
Find and link the correct title to the orderline
Load holdings for the correct title (Not necessary for user distributions)

Removing the “Bad” Holdings

To completely un-process a holding distribution, you must use the Delete Title, Call Numbers or Items wizard to remove any copies and call numbers made with the Add Ordered Items to Catalog wizard.

Setting the Loaded Field to NEVER

To update the order so that it is no longer considered to be “closed,” the Loaded field must be set back to NEVER. For a user distribution, the Delivered field must be reset to NEVER.

Finding and Linking the Correct Title to the Orderline

If the order will still be linked to a title, it will now need to be re-linked.

For more information, go to FAQs: Linking Orders and Titles.

Loading Holdings for the Correct Title

If you re-linked the order to another title, you can now load the order holdings for the new title for a holdings distribution.

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