FAQs: Paying for Orders or Reversing Payment
What are my options for paying an order?
Ordered items may be marked as paid at any time during the acquisitions process. When order line items are first created, prepayment can be indicated. Payment may be indicated either directly in the order line or indirectly through invoices. Basic payment information shows the number of copies paid, the amount paid, and the date paid. Ordered items can be marked as paid using any of the following techniques.
After typing information from a vendor’s invoice with the Add Invoice wizard, you can mark an entire invoice as paid with the Pay Invoice wizard. |
After typing information from a vendor’s invoice, you can mark individual invoice lines as paid with the Pay Invoice wizard or the Modify Invoice wizard. |
Instead of typing invoice information, you can modify the order to update the Date Paid and Amount Paid fields. |
What are the advantages of paying by invoice?
When invoices are created, the invoice lines may or may not be linked to orderlines or funds in the Acquisitions module. When invoice lines are linked to specific orderlines, then payment causes fund cycles, vendor cycles, and orders to be correspondingly updated with the number of copies paid and the amount paid. Once an invoice line is linked to an orderline, the order cannot be paid directly.
When invoice information is not linked to orders or funds, invoice payment cannot update fund cycle, order, or vendor cycle records with payment data. Invoice payment information consists of the date paid and check number. If the invoice line contains a negative number (you might have overpaid an item and the vendor is returning funds or issuing a credit), then paying the line actually reduces the price on the linked order and fund.
The Pay Invoice wizard allows full or partial payments to be applied to an entire invoice or to individual invoice lines. Pay Invoice also allows payments to be canceled. Before paying all or part of an invoice, the following values may be modified.
How do I pay an individual invoice line using the Pay Invoice wizard?
To pay a single line on an invoice
Click the Pay Invoice wizard, and search the invoice you want to pay. |
On the Invoice Lines tab, identify the invoice line you want to pay. Only unpaid invoice lines will appear on this tab. You can review the invoice line information by selecting the line and clicking the Display Invoiceline tool. |
Clear the Select All check box, and select the check box next to the invoice line you want to pay. |
Type a Check Number. (The check number is optional.) Select a Date Paid using the Calendar gadget. The Date Paid defaults to the value selected in properties. If the line was invoiced in a foreign currency, the Exchange field appears. Select an exchange rate from the list. |
Click Pay Selected Lines and a confirmation dialog box indicates the status of the invoice line payment, total amount paid, and any errors, if found, in making the invoice line payment. If there are other unpaid invoice lines on the same invoice, after you pay the selected line, the wizard displays an “Invoice partly paid” message. If this was the only invoice line left to be paid, the wizard displays an “Invoice paid in full” message. |
On the Invoice Lines tab, you can also use the Pay Invoiceline tool to pay selected invoice lines.
How do I pay the entire invoice line using the Pay Invoice wizard?
To pay all lines on an invoice
Click the Pay Invoice wizard, and search the invoice you want to pay. |
Type the Check Number and Date Paid. |
On the Invoice Lines tab, select the Select All check box. |
Click Pay Selected Lines. A confirmation dialog box displays the total amount paid, which is the total amount paid on the invoice. If all invoice lines or all unpaid invoice lines can be marked as paid, the wizard displays an “Invoice paid in full” message. |
How do I pay an invoice with the Modify Invoice wizard?
To pay any invoice line using the Modify Invoice wizard
Make sure the Allow Payment of Invoice Line behavior is selected in the Modify Invoice wizard properties. |
Click the Modify Invoice wizard, and search the invoice you want to pay. |
Identify the invoice line to pay. You can review the invoice line information by selecting the line and clicking the Display Invoiceline tool. |
Select the invoice line to pay, and click the Pay Invoiceline tool. |
Type the Check Number and Date Paid. |
Click Pay Invoice Line. |
Click Save Your Changes. |
If the invoice line(s) are successfully marked as paid, then the record is updated. If the Date Paid field was set to TODAY, the display is updated with today’s date. If you were to review the orderline at this point, the segments of the orderline display the date paid, amount paid, amount invoiced (not paid), and number of copies invoiced (not paid). Once an orderline is paid, it no longer displays as invoiced.
How do I pay an invoice directly on the order?
The Modify Order wizard allows you to pay for orderlines directly rather than through invoices. You must pay only one orderline at a time. If an orderline is not already linked to an invoice, the Date Paid and Amount fields appear for each funding segment on the Segments tab. Type the payment information in these fields.
You cannot mark an orderline as paid if the order has been linked to an invoice line. If you use the Modify Order wizard for an invoice-linked order, the Amount and Date Paid fields are not available.
To mark an orderline as paid
Click the Modify Order wizard, and search the orderline you want to pay. |
If there are multiple orderlines linked to this order, select the orderline to pay on the Orderlines tab, click the Modify Orderline tool. You can verify orderline information on the Title Info and Orderline tabs. |
Click the Segments tab. The Date Paid and Amount fields appear for every funding segment. |
In the Date Paid field, use the Calendar gadget to select TODAY, or type a correctly formatted date. |
Type a value in the Amount field. |
Click Save Your Changes when all information regarding the payment of the orderline is complete, and the order record is updated. If you typed TODAY in the Date Paid field, the wizard changes this to an actual date in the form MM/DD/YYYY (DD/MM/YYYY for European sites). The order’s summary reflects the number of copies paid and the amount paid. |
How do I reverse payment on a single invoice line using the Reverse Payment of Invoice wizard?
To reverse payment of a single invoice line
Click the Reverse Payment of Invoice wizard, and search the invoice with the payment to cancel. |
On the Invoice Lines tab, identify the invoice line for which you want to reverse payment. Only paid invoice lines will appear on this tab. You can review the invoice line information by selecting the line and clicking the Display Invoiceline tool. |
Clear the Select All check box, and select the check box next to the invoice line. |
Click Reverse Payment. A confirmation dialog box displays a reverse payment status message, “Payment has been cancelled,” and the total amount and total lines cancelled. |
How do I reverse payment on the entire invoice using the Reverse Payment of Invoice wizard?
To reverse payment for the entire invoice, do the following.
Click the Reverse Payment of Invoice wizard, and search the invoice with the payment to cancel. |
On the Invoice Lines tab, select the Select All check box. |
Click Reverse Payment. A confirmation dialog box displays a reverse payment status message, “Payment has been cancelled,” and the total amount cancelled. |
How do I reverse payment with the Modify Invoice wizard?
To cancel payment for any invoice line using the Modify Invoice wizard
Make sure the Allow Reverse Payment of Invoice Line behavior is selected in the Modify Invoice wizard properties. |
Click the Modify Invoice wizard, and search the invoice with the payment to cancel. |
If more than one invoice line is linked to this order, on the Invoice Lines tab, identify the invoice line for which you want to cancel payment. You can review the invoice line information by selecting the line and clicking the Display Invoiceline tool. |
Select the invoice line and click the Reverse Payment of Invoiceline tool. |
Verify invoice line information, and click Reverse Payment. A confirmation dialog box displays a reverse payment status message, “Payment has been cancelled,” and the total amount cancelled. |
How do I reverse payment directly on the order?
The Modify Order wizard allows you to cancel payment for orderlines directly rather than through invoices. You must reverse pay only one orderline at a time. If an orderline is not already linked to an invoice, the Date Paid and Amount fields appear for each funding segment on the Segments tab. Clear the payment information in these fields.
You cannot cancel payment on an orderline if the order has been linked to an invoice line. If you use the Modify Order wizard for an invoice-linked order, the Amount and Date Paid fields are not available.
To cancel payment for a paid orderline
Click the Modify Order wizard, and search the orderline for which you want to cancel payment of items. |
If there are multiple orderlines linked to this order, select the orderline to cancel payment on the Orderlines tab, and click the Modify Orderline tool. You can verify orderline information on the Title Info and Orderline tabs. |
On the Segments tab, the Date Paid and Amount fields appear for every funding segment. |
In the Date Paid field, select NEVER from the list. |
Click Save Your Changes, and the Amount field is automatically cleared. |
What are the warning messages I may see when I display an invoice to reverse payment?
If the Reverse Payment of Invoice wizard is configured to display a warning message when the difference between the amount invoiced for an item and the discounted price of the item (from the orderline of the displayed invoice) exceeds the threshold set in the Session Settings wizard, the following message displays.
WARNING: The difference between order price and invoice price exceeds the threshold.
If the Reverse Payment of Invoice wizard is configured to display a warning message when the total quantity invoiced is greater than the quantity received on the orderline of the displayed invoice, the following message displays.
WARNING: The quantity invoiced is greater than the quantity received.
The wizard properties and/or invoice search window can be configured to display a warning message during an invoice search if the invoice being looked up has invoice line validation amount errors, quantity errors, or both. The warning message window can include multiple warnings, depending on how many invoice lines do not pass validation and for what reason(s). The Display Invoiceline Tool is available in the warning message window for you to view a specific invoice line that did not pass validation. If the invalid invoice line is linked to an order, the Display Orderline tool (Display Order Tools) is available for you to view the orderline.
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Modify Invoice Wizard
Modify Order Wizard
Pay Invoice Wizard
Reverse Payment of Invoice Wizard