Reserve Records

SirsiDynix Symphony uses the following two types of reserve records, which exist in a parent/child relationship.

Reserve control records (parent) – contain Reserve Desk and circulation rule information. This information is used for each individual instructor/course reserve records that this reserve control record represents.
Individual instructor/course reserve records (children) – contain information about the instructor and course that need the materials being placed on reserve. The individual instructor/course reserve records also indicate whether the reserve record is set to one of the following stages:
INACTIVE – indicates a reserve is not currently needed for a course and will not be needed in the immediate future, but is expected to be used in the future. This inactive reserve will not be posted to the Reserve Desk browse list.
PREPARE – indicates that library staff should begin the process of physically retrieving the materials. This stage indicates that a request for these materials has been made; however, the materials are not physically present at the Reserve Desk, nor are they available in the reserve browse list.
ACTIVE – means that students of the linked instructor/course will be coming to the Reserve Desk. This stage also means that the instructor/course is now browsable in the Reserve Desk on the SirsiDynix Symphony Enhanced Public Access screen.

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