About Reserve Status and Stage Relationships

Each reserve control record, each individual instructor/course reserve record, and each reserve copy within the individual instructor/course reserve record has a status or stage field. The status or stage of each type of record reflects what is happening as items are gathered, put on reserve and later returned to normal circulation. The reserve control record status, individual instructor/course reserve record stage, and reserve copy status need to have consistent values for the reserve record to be created or updated correctly.

Reserve Control Record Status

By using the call number to associate the reserve control record with the physical materials, the reserve control record Status field reflects what is happening to the materials being placed on reserve or being removed from reserve. This field may contain the following values, which allow the reserve control record to track the linked individual instructor/course reserve records.


No materials associated with this reserve control record are currently on reserve, though these materials may have been on reserve in the past. The DORMANT reserve control record status is usually used for items during the term they are not on reserve.


Individual instructor/course reserve records require the materials associated with this reserve control record. Materials need to be collected from their home location and placed at the library’s Reserve Desk. The COLLECT reserve control record status is usually used at the beginning of the term to gather materials needed during the term.


At least one copy linked to this reserve control record is available for circulation as a reserve copy from the Reserve Desk. The CURRENT reserve control record status is used during the term when the item is on reserve.


No individual instructor/course reserve records currently require the materials linked to this reserve control record. The physical materials can be returned to their home location or routed in response to a hold request. The RETURN reserve control record status is usually used at the end of the term to put materials back into normal circulation.

Individual Instructor/Course Reserve Record Stage

The individual instructor/course reserve record Stage field reflects how soon the reserved copies will display in the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC), and consequently, how soon students can check out these reserved copies for the reserved materials loan period. This field may contain the following values.


The title does not currently need to be on reserve for the specified course and instructor. The INACTIVE instructor/course reserve record stage is usually used for items during the term they are not on reserve, when they are flagged for use in an upcoming term or at the end of the term when materials are put back in normal circulation.


Library staff should be in the process of gathering materials associated with individual instructor/course records that have this status because they will be needed soon. However, these materials are not yet ready for circulation. The PREPARE instructor/course reserve record stage is usually used just before a new term begins to gather items needed for the term.


The materials associated with individual instructor/course records are at the Reserve Desk and are ready to be checked out for the reserved materials loan period. These reserved materials display in the Reserve Desk list in the OPAC, and public users can search and view copies by course ID, course name, and/or instructor name. The ACTIVE instructor/course reserve record stage is used during the term when the item is on reserve.

Reserve Copy Status

The reserve copy Status field reflects what is happening to each copy being placed on or removed from reserve. This field may contain the following values.


The specified copy is not linked in any manner with a Reserve Desk. The NOT ON RESERVE copy status is usually used for items during the term they are not on reserve, or at the end of the term when materials are put back in normal circulation.


The specified copy will be brought to the Reserve Desk in the future. This copy status tags the item, but does not affect its normal circulation. However, items with this status may not be tagged for another reserve control record. The FLAGGED copy status is usually used for items during the term they are not on reserve, but the staff wants to have them available for an upcoming term.


The specified copy should be brought to the Reserve Desk immediately if it is available in the library. SirsiDynix Symphony automatically places a Copy level hold to prevent this item from circulating before it is retrieved for the Reserve Desk. A Copy level hold for this item will be first in the hold queue list, and any currently available holds on this item will become unavailable. If the item is checked out, the Copy level hold will include a Recall for the item. The PICKUP copy status is usually used at the beginning of the term to gather materials needed during the term.


The specified copy is currently at the Reserve Desk and available for students to check out for the reserved material loan period. This copy is on reserve for at least one individual instructor/course record. The ON RESERVE copy status is used during the term when the item is on reserve.


Although this copy retains its Reserve Desk location and is physically shelved at the Reserve Desk, the copy is circulated to any user as non-reserve material. Usually, copies with this status are copies that are needed at the Reserve Desk often, such as three terms out of four. The KEPT AT DESK copy status is usually used for items during the term they are not on reserve.

When a copy has a KEPT AT DESK copy status and is circulated as non-reserve material, SirsiDynix Symphony refers to the Circulation Map policy for information about how to circulate this copy.

Consistent Statuses and Stages

The reserve control record status, individual instructor/course reserve record stage, and reserve copy status must have consistent values for the reserve record to be created or updated correctly. The following charts show the settings that are consistent for common situations when collecting materials, putting them on reserve, and taking them off reserve (temporarily or permanently).

Gathering items before the next term

Reserve Control Record Status – COLLECT

Individual Instructor/Course Reserve Stage – PREPARE

Reserve Copy Status – PICKUP

Item is on reserve for the current term

Reserve Control Record Status – CURRENT

Individual Instructor/Course Reserve Stage – ACTIVE

Reserve Copy Status – ON RESERVE

Item is not on reserve for the current item

Reserve Control Record Status – DORMANT

Individual Instructor/Course Reserve Stage – INACTIVE

Reserve Copy Status – NOT ON RESERVE

Item flagged to be put on reserve for an upcoming term

Reserve Control Record Status – DORMANT

Individual Instructor/Course Reserve Stage – INACTIVE

Reserve Copy Status – FLAGGED

Item is on reserve for the current term, and shelved at the Reserve Desk

Reserve Control Record Status – CURRENT

Individual Instructor/Course Reserve Stage – ACTIVE

Reserve Copy Status – ON RESERVE

Item is not on reserve for the current term, but shelved at the Reserve Desk

Reserve Control Record Status – DORMANT

Individual Instructor/Course Reserve Stage – INACTIVE

Reserve Copy Status – KEPT AT DESK

Item is not on reserve for the current term, and is being returned to normal shelving location

Reserve Control Record Status – RETURN

Individual Instructor/Course Reserve Stage – INACTIVE

Reserve Copy Status – NOT ON RESERVE

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