Individual Reserve Tab

The Individual Reserve tab may contain the following individual reserve record information.

Instructor ID

This field contains the instructor’s user ID.


This field contains the date that individual copies can be released from the Reserve Desk, or the date after which students of the specified instructor or students enrolled in the specified course will no longer need the title at the Reserve Desk (usually at the end of a course term). If the date is not supplied for individual copies, SirsiDynix Symphony defaults to the expiration date specified in the reserve control record. This field is required when a reserve control record and/or individual reserve is created. You can select an expiration date using the Calendar gadget, or enter TODAY or NEVER in the field.

Instructor Name

This field contains the user’s name. This value should be in the lastname, firstname initial format (for example – Smith, Joe H). The label for this field can be changed by the library.

Course ID

This field identifies the course, often with the course number.


This field generally determines the relationship of the instructor and course to any copies of the linked call number. This field controls whether or not the instructor and course are posted to the Reserve Desk browse list. When modifying a stage, the stage to which the record will be changed is referred to as New Stage. The Stage field may contain the following values.

INACTIVE means a reserve is not currently needed for a course and will not be needed in the immediate future, but is expected to be used in the future. This inactive reserve will not be posted to the Reserve Desk browse list.
PREPARE means library staff should begin the process of physically retrieving the materials. This stage indicates that a request for these materials has been made; however, the materials are not physically present at the Reserve Desk nor are they available in the reserve browse list.
ACTIVE indicates that students of the linked instructor/course will be coming to the Reserve Desk. This stage also means that the instructor/course is now browsable in the Reserve Desk choice on the SirsiDynix Symphony Enhanced Public Access screen.

Course Name

This field contains the name of the course.

Term Offered

The Term Offered field specifies the academic term or terms during which the course is taught. Possible values for this field are configured in the Course Term policy. Examples of Terms Offered values include FALL, SPRING, SUMMER, and F/W/SP/SU.

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