Copies Tab

The Copies tab may display the following fields in Academic Reserves.

New Status for All Copies

This field displays at the top of the Copies tab when creating and modifying reserves. With this field, you can set a new reserve status for all of the copies associated with a particular reserve control record at one time. Use this option if all or most of the copies will be changed to the same new status. The values for the New Status for All Copies field include FLAGGED, KEPT AT DESK, NOT ON RESERVE, ON RESERVE, and PICKUP. For an explanation of each value, go to Reserve Copy Status.

Copy Number

This field contains a number used to distinguish among multiple items with the same call number.

If a number is not entered when creating items, SirsiDynix Symphony will number the items in order beginning with one. If existing items are not sequential, SirsiDynix Symphony will increment from the highest existing item number, which could then be edited to fill gaps in the sequence.

Item ID

This field uniquely identifies an item. The item ID is typically the human readable number on the item’s barcode.

When creating an item, a temporary or automatic item ID can be assigned by SirsiDynix Symphony that you can modify or replace later. If you enter AUTO in the item ID or select it from the drop-down list, SirsiDynix Symphony will assign the item ID automatically.

When searching an item with alphabetic characters, you can enter your search in either uppercase or lowercase.

Home Location

This field shows where the item belongs in the owning library. Home location names usually correspond to the various collections in the library. All locations are defined in your library policies and include special status location types, which may be preferred for titles entered for that purpose.

Note: SirsiDynix recommends that some special status location types not be entered into the Home Location field. Instead, copies should retain their home location and be charged to user records that correspond to the process or temporary status location types.

Current Location

This field shows where the item is now. Current location names often correspond to the various statuses (CHECKEDOUT, LOST, MISSING, REPAIR) assigned by the library. If the item is not in a special status location, the current location is equal to the item’s home location. If an item is in a special status location when the home location is changed, when the item is discharged, the current location value will equal the new home location. The current location of an item is modified by the system under the following circumstances.

Item is charged.
Item is discharged.
Item is put on reserve.
Item taken off reserve.
Item becomes available to fill a hold.
An available hold is removed from the item.

Note: The ability to modify the current location when an item is being edited is a global configuration option. Only under special circumstances, such as an already established workflow, would modification be allowed. If the current location is the hold location for the station library, if the current location is a TRANSIT type location (item is in transit), or if the item is charged, and the current location is the charge location, the current location cannot be modified even if your library is configured to allow the current location to be modified. If your library does not use the circulation features of SirsiDynix Symphony, the Current Location would always be modifiable.

Reserve Status

The Reserve Status field reflects the status of each item being placed on or being removed from reserve. This field may contain the following values.

FLAGGED means the specified item will be brought to the Reserve Desk in the future. This tags the item, but does not affect its normal circulation. However, items with this status may not be tagged for another reserve control record.
KEPT AT DESK means that although this item retains its Reserve Desk location and is physically shelved at the Reserve Desk, the item is circulated to any user as non-reserve material. Usually, copies with this status are copies that are needed at the Reserve Desk often, such as three terms out of four. When an item has a KEPT AT DESK status and is circulated as non-reserve material, SirsiDynix Symphony refers to the Circulation Map policy for information about how to circulate this item.
NOT ON RESERVE means the specified item is not linked in any manner with a Reserve Desk.
ON RESERVE means the specified item is currently at the Reserve Desk and available for students to check out. This item is on reserve for at least one individual instructor/course record.
PICKUP means this item should be brought to the Reserve Desk immediately if it is available in the library. SirsiDynix Symphony automatically places an item hold to prevent this item from circulating before it is retrieved for the Reserve Desk. A hold for this item will be first in the hold queue list, and any currently available holds on this item will become unavailable. If the item is checked out, the placed hold will be a recall hold.

New Status

This field allows you to set a new reserve status for a copy associated with a particular reserve control record. The reserve status describes what is happening to a copy being placed on reserve. The values for the New Status field include FLAGGED, KEPT AT DESK, NOT ON RESERVE, ON RESERVE, and PICKUP.