Configuration: Configuration Login Fields

The Configuration window displays the following fields.

Operate in Offline Mode

The Operate in Offline Mode check box determines if WorkFlows is to operate as a client connecting to the SirsiDynix Symphony server, or in offline mode as a workstation storing transactions until they can be transferred to the SirsiDynix Symphony server when it becomes available. When this check box is selected, all the other Configuration window options except for the Show This Window on Next Startup check box become unavailable. By default, this check box is cleared so WorkFlows will connect to the SirsiDynix Symphony server as a client.

IP Address

The IP address box is used to enter the server Internet address. This may be the numeric IP address or a domain name if this value is defined. The IP Address field retains a history of server connection information, if the connection to the server is successful. (This information is saved to your desktop preference.) Select a server connection from the list, or type new server connection information.

In Hyperion, you must also enter a value for the file server. The File Host Information tab typically contains the same IP Address as the Host Information Tab, but data may be stored on a separate server. If the digital media file server is not running, you will not be able to start the client.

Login Timeout

The Login Timeout field allows you to specify the number of seconds the SirsiDynix Symphony system waits before closing the client if a login was not successful.

If the digital media file server is not running, you will not be able to start the client.

Name (Station)

Select a station from the list of Station policies available on your system. The station can only be selected or changed after log in, using the Preference menu. The change will not go into effect until the workstation is halted and restarted, but the station will be retained through all subsequent sessions. Typically, a floating workstation is used. PCGUI-DISP is the default value.

The Station value may also be used to identify circulation workstations, for example, the Cash report can be used to validate the cash drawer contents of a particular circulation workstation. Floating workstations that do not have a library defined cannot be used to track transactions because they are not associated with the actual workstation. If you want to track circulation activities for statistics, you should select a Port station, such as TY14; a Named station, such as CIRCPC; or create a new Floating workstation with a default library defined.

Port Number

If you are running more than one SirsiDynix Symphony system on the same server, the Port field allows you to specify the port to which the workstation should connect. The Configuration window displays Port along with the IP Address field. The default value for the Port field is 5100 for SirsiDynix Symphony host systems, but any number up to 32,000 can be specified. However, TCP/IP socket numbers may be reserved for specific uses, and may vary according to platform. Check your server documentation for valid, open socket numbers.

Note: Before you can run multiple SirsiDynix Symphony systems on the same server, additional configuration work is required by SirsiDynix Customer Support to set up multiple socket servers and a configuration file.

In Hyperion, you must also enter a Port Number for the file server. The File Host Information tab typically contains a Port number two digits higher than the Port Number on the Host Information Tab. The port number for the host server cannot be the same as the port number for the file server. If you try to enter the same port number for both, the following message displays.

Host port number and file host port number cannot be same

For example, if the Host Information tab contains the port number 5100, the File Host Information port number would be 5102.

Show This Window on Next Startup

Selecting the Show This Window on Next Startup check box causes the Configuration window to display the next time WorkFlows is started. This option is helpful when more than one SirsiDynix Symphony server is available, and you have the opportunity to switch between them at client startup. In addition, this option gives you the opportunity to switch between the offline mode that stores transactions until they can be transferred to the SirsiDynix Symphony server (Offline WorkFlows) and the regular WorkFlows operating mode that connects to the SirsiDynix Symphony server as a client.

If the workstation fails to connect to the server, the next attempt to log in will display the Configuration window regardless of whether the Show This Window on Next Startup check box is selected or not. At startup, the Configuration window cannot be used to select or change the station name.

Use Single Sign-On Authentication

Selecting the Use Single Sign-On Authentication check box causes WorkFlows to use the login user's Microsoft® Active Directory® information to log in to WorkFlows. This allows for users to log in to WorkFlows without WorkFlows prompting for the user's login information. WorkFlows attempts to use single sign-on authentication to log in the user during all subsequent WorkFlows login attempts after this option is selected.

If this option is selected and the Show This Window on Next Startup option is not selected, WorkFlows does not prompt the user for any login information if the single sign-on authentication succeeds.

If the single-sign on authentication fails, the user is prompted with the normal user login dialog.

This option only appears if WorkFlows Single Sign-On has been properly configured on the user's workstation. For instructions on how to configure WorkFlows Single Sign-On, see the SirsiDynix Symphony WorkFlows Single Sign-On Setup Guide.

Note: This feature is only available for Windows workstations.

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