Summary Tab: Users

The Summary tab for user may contain summary information about a user.

Privilege Expires
User Status
Group ID
Profile Name
Group Name
User Category Fields
Birth Date
Charge History Rule
Next Allowed Loan Date
Amount of money owed for unpaid bills
Credit Balance
Number of items the user currently has checked out
Number of unpaid bills assigned to the user
Number of holds a user has placed
Whether or not the user has extended information
Whether or not the user has any bookings
Whether or not user has any routings
Number of items a user claims returned
Number of order requests the user has made for the library to order items
Number of orders the user has made that will be distributed to the user
Whether or not the user has outreach privileges
Number of library messages and unanswered requests the user has

The following fields are defined on the Summary tab.

Privilege Expires

This field contains a date after which the user may no longer have circulation privileges and is automatically entered based on the user’s profile. When modifying a user, entering a different date in this field changes the length of this user’s privilege. After entering a new date in the Privilege Expires field, enter the secret operator code in the associated Override field.

User Status

This field contains the user’s circulation status, such as BARRED, BLOCKED, DELINQUENT, or OK.

BARRED users cannot checkout items. A user cannot be automatically barred or unbarred by SirsiDynix Symphony. This status must be set or removed by a workstation operator with special privileges.
Users are BLOCKED when their unpaid bills and accruing fines reach a certain amount or they have a certain number of overdue items. A special operator is required to check out items to a blocked user.
Users become DELINQUENT when they have unpaid bills or overdue items. Delinquent users can still check out items and have all the other privileges of OK users, but SirsiDynix Symphony will warn operators that the user is delinquent.
OK users have full library privileges as defined in their User Profile policy.

Group ID

The group ID is an optional, free-text field that may be used to link all users belonging to a named group such as a family or a department. Group ID is defined on the Basic Info tab of the user record. The ability to look up users by group ID can be configured. At the workstation, a list of users with the same group ID can be displayed. Group ID is not related to Group Name.

Profile Name

This field contains a User Profile policy name. The User Profile policy determines the user’s privileges. For example, STUDENT might be used as a User Profile policy name. This field also determines the user’s loan period and fine rate. When creating a user, this field is required.

Group Name

If your site uses the User Groups feature, the Group Name field indicates what group this user belongs to. The Group Name is defined on the User Groups tab in the user record. Group Name is not related to Group ID.

User Category Fields

These demographic fields contain values from the User Category1-User Category12 policies. Your library decides what type of information will be used in these fields and labels them appropriately. The generic SirsiDynix Symphony labels for these fields are user cat1, user cat2, user cat3, user cat4, user cat5, user cat6, user cat7, user cat8, user cat9, user cat10, user cat11, and user cat12.

Birth Date

This field is an optional, numeric statistical category that contains the user’s complete birth date. The label can be something other than Birthdate. Because the field is optional, it can be configured not to display.


This field displays the name of the user’s library.


This field displays the language of a user. When notices are sent to the user, they will be in the specified language. When registering a user, you must select a language for the user. Languages available for selection are defined in policies.


This Age field displays when the Birth Date field is configured to display. Age is calculated based on the birth date.

Charge History Rule

This field displays how charge history is kept for the user, and may have one of the following values.

NOHISTORY overrides the Save Charge History setting in the circulation rule, and does not keep history records for this user.
CIRCRULE creates charge history records for this user based on the circulation rule’s Save Charge History setting. If the Save Charge History check box is selected, charge history will be saved for this user when the user checks out an item that uses the circulation rule. If the check box is cleared, charge history will not be saved for the user when the user checks out an item that uses the circulation rule.
ALLCHARGES overrides the Save Charge History setting in the circulation rule and creates charge history records for every checkout by this user.

Next Allowed Loan Date

If the user record has been suspended, this field indicates the date the patron may resume checking out items.

Credit Balance

If the user has a credit account, the Credit Balance field displays the account balance. You can also view the user’s credit account balance by clicking the User glossary at the top of the wizard window.