Standard Control Number Processing Gadget
The Standard Control Number Processing gadget is found on the File Format Options tab of the Export MARC Holdings report. This gadget allows you to select the Source Bibliographic Entry for a standard control number in the bibliographic record, and then select the Destination MARC Holding Entry of the exported MARC holding record. You can add more than one source entry/destination entry combination. The report will check for the entries in the order they are listed. On export, the report will write the standard control number to the selected entry in the MARC holding record.
To select a source bibliographic entry
Click the Standard Control Number Processing gadget.  |
Select the Source Bibliographic Entry from the drop-down list. This value is where the standard control number for the bibliographic record is stored. The bibliographic standard control number may be the original source of the SirsiDynix Symphony title control number (for example 001 or 035) or it may be another standard number (for example ISBN or ISSN). |
Select the Destination MARC Holding Entry from the drop-down list. The bibliographic standard control number will be written to this entry in the MARC holdings record. |
Click Add, and the source entry/destination entry combination is added to the list. |
Add more source entry/destination entry combinations, if desired. |
Click OK when finished. If you click Cancel, your selections are not saved. |
To edit a source entry/destination entry combination, select it in the list, make your changes, and click Update. |
To remove a source entry/destination entry combination, select it in the list and click Remove. |
If there are multiple instances of a repeatable field that contain a standard control number (such as multiple 020s), and you select this field as a source bibliographic entry, then all iterations of the standard control number found in these repeated fields will be written to the selected entry in the MARC holdings record; each control number will be written to its own entry in the record.
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File Format Options Tab