Spine Labels for Items Gadget
Use the Spine Labels for Items gadget to select specific barcodes for which spine labels will be printed.
To select specific barcodes for a spine label
Click the Spine Labels for Items gadget.  |
The Spine Labels for Items window opens. In the Item ID box, type the barcode of the item. |
In the Number of Labels box, type the number of copies of the spine label that you need for the first item. The value defaults to 1. |
Click Add to begin creating a list of barcodes and number of copies to print. |
Alternately, you may use a barcode reader to add items. You must add current, valid barcodes, or a system message appears. In the List Selected pane, the barcodes display in a concise, legible list for review. |
Repeat the above process until all of the items that you want labels for are added. |
To remove an item ID from the list, select one of the entries in the list, and click Remove. |
Since the Print Custom Labels report relies on the templates produced with the Label Designer wizard, the number of labels printed per item relies on the number of labels selected in the Item ID gadget multiplied by the number of label sets per item selected in the template. The following math will be performed: Number of Labels (in the gadget) x Label Sets Per Item (in the template) = Number of Label Sets Printed Per Item. For example, if you type 1 in the gadget and Label Sets Per Item is 1, 1 x 1 = one label set per item. If you type 2 in the gadget and Label Sets Per Item is 1, 2 x 1 = two label sets per item. If you type 1 in the gadget and Label Sets Per Item is 2, 1 x 2 = two label sets per item.