Serials Ctrl Tab

Serials Control information is used to identify any serials control records associated with the displayed title. This tab displays from the Item Search and Display wizard only if your library is configured to use the Serials Control module. The display of the Serials Ctrl tab is additionally controlled based on the Show Serial Control property in the Item Search and Display Wizard properties.

The number of control records associated with the current item will appear above the serial control list. The serial controls are listed in a table format. Click the column headers to sort the list. You can also change the order of the fields by clicking a column header and dragging it to a new position. The following information appears for each control listed.

The following fields are defined for the Serial Controls tab.

Serial Control Library

Serial control records (controls, vendors, claims) are assigned to a library. Which libraries may display your library’s serial control records is governed by the Serial Display Libraries attribute. Which libraries may maintain your library’s serial control records is governed by the Serial Maintenance Libraries. When you are modifying or displaying serials control information, you may only select those libraries who have indicated in their Library policy that you may maintain or display that library’s serials.

Serial Control ID

This field contains a unique serial control ID. In a multilibrary system that has a decentralized journal receipt, each library must have its own control record. However, each library’s control records can be linked to call numbers on the same title record. The control ID can be an abbreviation of the serial title or its call number, but each control ID should follow the same pattern (ISSN, base call number, title algorithm) with a prefix or suffix identifying the owning library. The control ID may also be system generated. This is controlled through the Generate New Control IDs Automatically behavior in the wizard properties. If this field is enabled, control IDs will be automatically generated. If it is not enabled, the user is prompted about whether a control ID is to be created.

Note: If multiple controls are associated with a title, each call number should be indicated in the control ID so that the control may easily be selected from a list of controls retrieved after an item search.


This field contains the title’s ISSN in the form of 9999-1111. This field should be nine characters long; the first four characters are always numerals; the numerals are followed by a hyphen, then the last four characters. Of these last four characters, the first three are always numerals; the last character may be numeral or an ”X.” If the bibliographic record contains an ISSN in the 022 subfield a, this information will be carried to the SISAC ID field in the control record. SISAC is an acronym for the Serials Industry Standards Advisory Committee. This group promotes the uses of a machine-readable barcode on every serial issue to simplify and speed check in procedures. Every title is assigned a SISAC ID (the ISSN) which may be entered in the control record. Every issue of that serial is printed with a SICI (Serial Issue and Contribution Identifier) barcode and label. This barcode and label consists of the SISAC ID and coded issue/date information. During the checkin process, a user scans the issue’s SICI barcode or types the printed characters below the barcode to check in the issue. If this field is left empty, it defaults to a SirsiDynix Symphony generated number.

Category 1 and Category 2

These fields contain values from the Category 1 and Category 2 fields in the Serial Control record. Your library decides what type of information will be used in these fields and may also determine how these categories are labeled. The generic SirsiDynix Symphony labels for these fields are Category 1 and Category 2. The purpose of these optional fields is to help denote special characteristics of a control record that is common to a group of serial controls.


This field contains the subscription status of this serial control. The delivered definitions include the following.

An ACTIVE serial control status indicates a current subscription.
A CANCELED status means that either the library or the vendor/publisher canceled this title.
A status of NEW indicates a new subscription about to start or just starting.
A RENEWED subscription has been restarted for the next publication cycle.

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