Select Item List Gadget
Use the Select Item List gadget to select specific item IDs (barcodes).
To select specific item IDs
Click the Select Item List gadget.  |
The Select List Of Item IDs window opens. In the Item ID box, type the barcode of the item. |
Click Add to begin creating a list of barcodes. |
Alternately, you may use a barcode reader to add items. You must add current, valid barcodes, or a system message appears. In the List Selected pane, the barcodes display in a concise, legible list for review. |
Repeat the above process until all of the items are added, and click OK. |
To remove an item ID from the list, select one of the entries in the list, and click Remove. |
The gadget will retain the order of the item IDs as they are entered. The item IDs are not sorted.