Routings Tab

The Routings tab displays brief routing information for issues associated with this serial control. Each line listed per copy represents a Routing record. If there are no routings attached to this record, the message ”Routings: None” appears.

From the Routing tab when modifying a serial control, you can create, modify, duplicate, transfer, or remove a routing record for a user for a copy of the issue or the table of contents. A list of individual routing records for each copy and table of content routings display in the Routings tab, providing the following field information for each issue or table of contents. For additional information, go to FAQs: Creating and Modifying Routings.

The following fields are defined for the Routings tab.

Routing List for Copy

This field serves as a heading for each copy’s routing list in the Routing folder. If any table of content routings are created, they are displayed first, with remaining copies displaying in numeric order.


This field indicates the priority that should be given to an item or user.

In Serials Control, ranks are assigned to users on a routing list. The default value in this field is 1, which is the highest rank for routing. Users sharing the same rank will display in the routing list in the order in which the routings are added, but rankings may be modified to change the order of the display of the users on the list.
In Outreach Services, ranks are assigned to interest profiles when suggesting records for selection. When using the Search Interest wizard or running the Search Route Interest Records or Search User Interest Records reports, items will be suggested or selected that match interest profiles, starting with the highest ranking, until the retrieved number of items exceeds the Total Items Requested value in the outreach user record.