Print Wizard
The Print wizard allows you to print information if the current wizard window has a defined print template. If the wizard window does not have a print template defined, the Print Wizard will be unavailable. This wizard behaves the same as the File menu Print command. The information is printed to the printer selected in Print Setup.
The print output will include the window title, the date the print job was generated, and the wizard window data. For some wizards, the print output will include data from multiple wizard tabs.

If a wizard window does not have a defined print template, use the Print Screen command in the File menu.
In cataloging wizards, the format for printing the current record is controlled by the Display Bibliographic Description helper properties and selecting File/Print Preview. For example, if you want the fixed fields to be printed for a bibliographic record, be sure Fixed Fields is selected in helper properties.
It is also possible to print glossaries in the Display Bibliographic Description helper.
Wizards with Print Templates
The following wizards have defined print templates.
Acquisitions |
Add Fund |
Add Fund Cycle |
Display Fund (Specific Cycle) |
Duplicate fund |
Modify fund |
Add Vendor |
Add Vendor Cycle |
Display Vendor (Specific Cycle) |
Duplicate Vendor |
Modify Vendor |
Review All Vendors |
Add Basic Order |
Add Dated Order |
Add Ordered Items to Catalog |
Add Orderlines |
Add Recurring Order |
Delete Order |
Display Order |
Duplicate Order |
Modify Order |
Receive Orders |
Add Invoice |
Add Invoice Lines |
Delete Invoice |
Display Invoice |
Modify Invoice |
Pay Invoice |
Reverse Payment of Invoice |
Review Vendor Invoices |
Cataloging |
Add Authority |
Add Item |
Add Title |
Call Number and Item |
Delete Authority |
Delete Title, Call Numbers, |
Display Authority |
Duplicate Authority |
Duplicate Title |
Edit Item |
Item Search and Display |
Modify Authority |
Modify Title |
Circulation |
Display User |
What’s In Transit |

Wizard properties windows do not have defined print templates.