Fixed Time Slot Gadget
This gadget allows you to define a specific time period that can be selected for bookings or reservations.
To create a specific day and time period
Click the Fixed Time Slot gadget.  |
Select a day of the week from the From list, and type the beginning hour and minute for the time slot in the At field to the right of the From list. Use Military time when specifying the hour and minute. |
Select the day of the week from the Until list, and type the ending hour and minute for the time slot in the At field to the right of the Until list. Use Military time when specifying the hour and minute. |
Click Add to add the day and hour range to the list of time slots. The day and time range is added to the displayed lists under From and under Until. |
Repeat steps 1 through 3 to specify all of the days and times for the time slots. When you have finished defining the time slot days and times, click OK to save your selections. |
To modify a day or time of a fixed time slot
Select the day and time under From or under Until. |
Modify the From, At, and Until fields for the selected day and date/time range. |
Click Update to save your changes. |
To remove a day or time of a fixed time slot, do the following.
Select the day and time under From or under Until. |