Display Options

When user information is displayed in various tabs, Display Options allow you to determine how the information will display. You can display information on a user’s bills, checked out materials, and holds. If you are using the Material Booking module, you can display information on items booked by the user. If you are using the Acquisitions module, you can display information on order distribution and order requests. If you are using the Outreach Services module, you can display outreach interest and history information.

Display Options for Bill Information

When displaying bill information in the Bills tab, you can display bills accumulated by the user at one or more libraries, and the status of bills incurred by the user.

To display bills accumulated by the user at a specific library or multiple libraries, select one of the following options.

Full access to all libraries – Displays bills accumulated by the user at all of the libraries in your Bill Display Library group.
Individual library – Displays bills accumulated by the user at the selected library. In the Library list, select the library you want. The libraries that display in the list are in your Bill Display Library group.

To list bills by status, select one of the following options.

Unpaid – Displays only the bills not yet paid by the user.
Paid – Displays only the bills paid by the user.
All – Displays both unpaid bills and bills already paid by the user.

Display Options for Checked Out Material Information

When displaying a list of the materials charged to the user in the Checkouts tab, you can display the items by library or by certain checkout properties.

If the SirsiDynix Symphony configuration flag is set to charge items by charging library and not by owning library, the Checkout Library and Owning Library options do not display.

To display a user’s checkouts by charge ownership, select one of the following options.

Checkout Library – Displays checked out items for each library where the user checked out items.
Owning Library – Displays checked out items for each library that owns the items.

For example, if a user checked out materials belonging to the MAIN library at the SOUTHBRANCH library, selecting Checkout Library will list the item under the SOUTHBRANCH library heading; selecting Owning Library will list the item under the MAIN library heading.

To display items checked out by the user at a specific library or multiple libraries, select one of the following options.

Full access to all libraries – Displays items checked out by the user at all of the libraries in your Circulation Library group.
Individual library – Displays items checked out by the user at the selected library. In the Library list, select the library you want. The libraries that display in the list are in your Circulation Library group.

You can also display items checked out by the user based on certain checkout properties. Select one of the following options.

Active – Displays only active charges for the user. This list includes every item currently charged to the user, items the user claimed to have returned, overdue items, recalled items, and items the user renewed. This option is the default selection.
All – Displays a complete list of active and inactive charges for the user. This list includes every item currently charged to the user, items the user claimed to have returned, overdue items, recalled items, items the user renewed, and items the user reported as lost or are assumed to be lost.
Claims Returned – Displays only items that the user claims to have returned.
Inactive – Displays only inactive charges. Inactive charges include items that are assumed to be lost, and items that have been marked as lost. Lost items remained charged to the user as an inactive charge until the user pays the lost item bill, or until the item is found and returned.
Overdue – Displays only items that the user has not returned by the assigned due date.
Recalls – Displays only items that have been recalled from the user.
Renewals – Displays only items that have been renewed by the user.

Display Options for Hold Information

When displaying information about holds placed by the user, you can display the hold information by library, or by certain hold properties.

To display the holds for a user at one or more libraries based on library information in the hold, select one of the following.

Pickup Library – Displays a user’s holds by the library specified for pickup.
Placed At Library – Displays a user’s holds by the library where the hold was placed.
Owning Library – Displays a user’s holds by the library that owns the item.

For example, your library, MAIN, accepts holds placed by other libraries in your system. A user at the EASTBRANCH library places a hold on an item in the MAIN library, and wants to pick up the item at EASTBRANCH. Selecting Pickup library will list the item under the EASTBRANCH heading. Selecting Placed At Library will list the item under the EASTBRANCH heading. Selecting the Owning Library will list the item under the MAIN heading.

To display holds for the user at a specific library or multiple libraries, select one of the following options.

Full access to all libraries – Displays holds for users at all of the libraries in your User Display Library group.
Individual library – Displays holds for the user at the selected library. In the Library list, select the library you want. The libraries that display in this list are those contained in your User Display Library group. To customize the display of holds, select one of the following options.
Pickup library – Displays a user’s holds by the library specified for pickup.
Placed at library – Displays a user’s holds by the library where the hold was placed.
Owning library – Displays a user’s holds by the library that owns the items.

For example, your User Display Library group is named UNIVUSERS. The libraries in this group are ENGINEERING, BIORESEARCH, and CHEMICAL. To display a user’s holds (if any) at all three libraries, click UNIVUSERS. To display a user’s holds at just the BIORESEARCH library, click Individual Library, and then select BIORESEARCH from the Library list.

To display holds by a certain hold property, select one of the following options.

All – Displays all of the holds that have been placed for the user.
Available – Displays only the items on hold for the user that are available.
Recalled – Displays only the items on hold for the user that have been recalled.
Reserve – Displays only the items on hold for the user that have been put on reserve.
Active – Displays all active holds.
Inactive – Displays the inactive holds for the user or item along with the inactive hold reason. Reasons can be holds that are cancelled, expired, or a hold that was cancelled when item was placed on reserve, hold was filled, or hold expired on hold shelf.

Display Options for Booking Information

When displaying information about items booked by the user, you can display the booking information by time and library.

Library - To display bookings for the user at a specific library or multiple libraries, select one of the following options.
Full access to all libraries – Displays bookings for the user at all of the libraries in your User Display Library group.
Individual library – Displays bookings for the user at the selected library. In the Library list, select the library you want for pickup. The libraries that display in this list are those contained in your User Display Library group.
Booking Start Date, Booking End Date, and Refresh Bookings List - If this user has multiple bookings, and you want to only view bookings within a certain period, click the gadgets and select the appropriate dates. Then click Refresh Bookings List to display the bookings for this period.

Display Options for Order Requests

When displaying information about material orders requested by the user, you can display the request information by type and by library. To display order requests by type, select one of the following.

All – Displays all orders requested by the user. This setting is the default.
Open – Displays only open orders requested by the user.
Closed – Displays only closed orders requested by the user.

You can also specify an Acquisitions library by selecting a library name from the Library list.

For example, if you want to display a user’s order requests made of the acquisitions library named MAINSTREET, select MAINSTREET from the Acquisitions Library list.

Display Options for Order Distributions

When displaying distribution information about material orders requested by the user, you can display the request information by type and by library. To display distribution information by type, select one of the following.

All – Displays all orders requested by the user.
Undelivered – Displays only undelivered orders requested by the user.
Delivered – Displays only delivered orders requested by the user.

You can also specify an Acquisitions library by selecting a library name from the Library list.

For example, to display a user’s order requests that are to be distributed by the acquisitions library named CENTERVILLE, select CENTERVILLE from the Acquisitions Library list.

Display Options for Interest Information

When displaying outreach interest information in the Interests tab, you can display the outreach interests for the user by a certain interest property. Select one of the following options.

All – Displays all of the interests that have been created for the user.
Active – Displays only the interests currently being used to select materials for the user.
Inactive – Displays only the interests that are no longer being used to select materials for the user.

Display Options for History Information

When displaying outreach history information in the Histories tab, you can display the outreach history for the user at one or more libraries, and the status of item selections for the user.

To outreach history for the user at a specific library or multiple libraries, select one of the following options.

Full access to all libraries – Displays outreach histories for the user at all of the libraries in your User Display Library group.
Individual library – Displays outreach histories for the user at the selected library. In the Library list, select the library you want. The libraries that display in the list are in your User Display Library group.

To list item selections for the user by status, select one of the following options.

All – Displays all item selections for the user.
Rejections – Displays only the item selections that have been rejected by the user.
Selections – Displays only the item selections that have been accepted by the user.

Display Options for Suspension Information

When displaying suspension information for a user, you can display suspension information by library or suspension status.

To display suspension information for the user at a specific library or multiple libraries, select one of the following options.

Full access to all libraries – Displays suspension information for the user at all of the libraries in your User Display Library group.
Individual library – Displays suspension information for the user at the selected library. The libraries that appear in the list are those contained in your User Display Library group.

To display suspensions by a certain suspension status, select one of the following options.

All – Displays all suspensions, active and inactive, for the user.
Active – Displays only currently active suspensions.