Closed Dates Gadget
This gadget is used to select the library’s closed dates for the Library wizard and the Library Calendar wizard. Individual dates and date ranges can be selected.
To select an individual date or a range of dates
Click the Closed Dates gadget.  |
In the Closed From calendar, select the month using the left browse or right browse buttons.   |
Click a particular day on the calendar to select it as the beginning closed date. The same month and day are automatically selected in the Until calendar. |
Note: If you are specifying an individual date as a closed date, click Add, and skip to step 7.
In the Until calendar, select the month of the ending closed date using the left browse or right browse buttons. |
Click a particular day on the calendar to select it as the ending closed date. |
Click Add. The selected date or dates display in the Closed Dates list. |
When you have finished selecting dates, click OK to save your selections. |
If desired, you can make changes to dates in the Closed Dates list. Select any of the dates in this list, and do one of the following:
Make changes to the Closed From and Until selections for the selected date, and click Update. |
Click Remove to remove the selected dates. |
Click Current to roll over the selected date to the current year. |
Depending on how your system is configured, you can configure the dates to display in American (M/D/Y) or European format (D/M/Y).
Up to 64 closed dates can be selected. Ranges of dates, such as December 24-25, may be used as one closed date.
Related topics
Library Wizard
Library Calendar Wizard