Alternate Circ Rule Helper

When checking out an item on reserve, you can select an alternate circulation rule if the reserves desk is already closed or about to close, and if the Reserve Desk policies allow a manually entered alternate circulation rule. Once you select an alternate circulation rule, the Alt Circ Rule helper displays in the Helper bar in the Checkout window. You can select the Alt Circ Rule helper to change the alternate circulation rule and its use for reserved items.

Selecting the Alternate Circ Rule helper displays the Select Alternate Circulation Rule window. In the Alternate Circulation Rule field, select a circulation rule (for example, 3DAY). You can select one of the following settings for using the specified alternate circulation rule.

From Now On – Uses the specified circulation rule for reserved items for the duration of the checkout session.
For This Checkout Only – Uses the circulation rule for only the current reserved item you are checking out.

After returning to the checkout process, scan or type the item’s barcode in the Item ID field.