Add Subfield Delimiter/Code Helper

The Add Subfield Delimiter/Code helper allows the input of subfield delimiters and codes in a MARC record without the need to change to a Latin keyboard or use the MARC editor’s expanded field mode. This helper is available on both Unicode and non–Unicode servers but was primarily designed for use by those who routinely catalog in non–Latin languages. By default, this helper will not appear.

When selected in properties, this helper is available in wizards that use the MARC editor.

Clicking on the helper or opening with the shortcut keystroke from the main menu list of Helpers will open a table that displays all possible subfield codes. You can do the following with the table.

Selecting a code on the table with the mouse will immediately add the subfield delimiter and the code to the current cursor position and does not close the helper.
Pressing ENTER can also be used to insert the highlighted subfield at the current cursor position and does not close the helper.
Clicking the Insert and Close button can also be used to insert the highlighted subfield at the current cursor position and closes the helper. .

If the record validation policy is turned on, the helper will give an error message when an invalid subfield is selected.

The Java WorkFlows client remembers the most recent size and location of the helper in absolute terms. It is not configured per wizard or screen. Location and size are the same no matter the wizard or screen from which the helper is called.

An alternative method is to pressing CTRL-D while entering records, which allows subfields to be edited in one language and the keyboard returned to the original language when entry is complete. This option only works under the following conditions.

The server is a Unicode server.
The input keyboard layout at the time CTRL-D is invoked is other than English.
The host platform has at least one English language keyboard layout active.

For example, if the input language is French and an English language or keyboard is installed, CTRL-D inserts the subfield delimiter and changes the language to English for entry of the subfield code. After entry of the subfield code, the input language returns to French. If Ctrl-D inserts a subfield delimiter/code into a field containing characters with strong right directionality, the subfield delimiter/code will be embedded in RLM (right-to-left mark) characters consistent with usage in the Add Subfield Delimiter/Code helper.