Using Distributions
The serials distribution configuration may be selected or unselected. The Distribution tab appears if the serial distribution configuration selected. The Distribution tab permits efficient control of multiple copy subscriptions. If the serial distribution configuration is not selected, all copies that are added to the catalog, or automatically updated MARC Holdings, will use the default holding code on the OPAC Display tab. Any location modification must then be made manually at the time of receipt. Either a holding code or a distribution is required.
The distribution record, or holding code if the library is not configured to use distributions, is used in the management of many aspects of individual issues. The following types of information are controlled by the distribution record or holding code.
• | Creation of call number and item record on issue receipt |
• | Creation of MARC holdings entries |
• | Printing routing lists |
• | Updating 599 Recently Arrived note entries |
For example, a distribution for Main, Branch 1, and Branch 2 may be kept on the same serial control record owned by the Main library. A REFERENCE copy is also received for all three of the libraries. All six copies may be received on the same control record and directed to the proper location immediately upon receipt. Main 2 library also receives two copies of the title. Its copies are received on a different control, but one is automatically distributed to the PERIODICAL location and the other is distributed to the REFERENCE location.
For information about setting up distributions, refer to FAQs: Setting up Serial Distributions.

Either a Holding Code on the OPAC Display tab or a distribution record is required for each issue received. The Create Serial Distributions Report can create holding codes and distributions for both sites that use distributions and those that do not.