Removing Serial Issues

On the Expected, Claimed, and Received tabs, selected serial issues may be removed.

To remove serial issues

Removing Claimed Issues

When you are removing issues on the Claimed tab, you can click Display Options. This allows you to display only the fulfilled claims, facilitating the removal of completed claims.

Removing Received Issues

There are two ways to remove received issues on the Received tab.

Unreceive Issues on the Received tab, then Remove issues from the Expected tab.
Directly Delete Received Issues.

Unreceive Issues and Then Remove the Issues

When you are removing issues using this method, the removal process begins by clicking Unreceive Issues and clicking Unreceive Selected. The issues are actually “unreceived” from the Received tab, and appear again in the Expected tab. If you want to permanently remove the issue, it must be removed from the Expected tab.

If the receipt being removed is a complete receipt, meaning that the number of copies received is exactly equal to the number of copies expected, the wizard automatically removes the issue distribution list from the prediction when the user removes the receipt. This leaves the prediction truly restored to the state it was in before the issue was first received, although updates to the bibliographic and item records are not reversed. The following modifications may need to be made to a catalog record before receiving the issues again, depending on how the control record is defined:

If MARC holdings were updated when these issues were received, you will need to correct the MARC holdings manually.
If copies were created when these issues were received, you will need to remove the copies.
If 599 Recently Arrived notes were created, they will need to be deleted.
If the receipt being removed is a partial receipt, meaning that the number of copies received is less than the number of copies expected, the wizard cannot automatically remove the issue distribution list.

Currently, there is no way for the user to do this manually; therefore, if the wizard cannot automatically remove the issue distribution, it displays the enumeration and/or chronology of the issue with the following warning dialog.

Partial receipts can’t be automatically unreceived. If you are updating serial holdings, creating copies, or printing routing lists, you will need to remove and recreate the prediction for this issue. Currently, the only way to get rid of the issue distribution manually is to remove and recreate the prediction for the issue.

Delete Received Issues

This method permanently removes receive issues from the Received tab. The removed issues will not appear again on the Expected tab. From a serial control record which has received issues, move to the Received tab and select the Delete Received Issue(s) tool. Select the issues to delete and click Delete Issues. The action is complete and you are not redirected to the Expected tab.

If the receipt being removed is a complete receipt, meaning that the number of copies received is exactly equal to the number of copies expected, the wizard automatically removes the prediction when the user removes the receipt. Updates to the bibliographic, item, and MARC holdings are not reversed. The following modifications may need to be made to a catalog, holding, or item record depending on how the control record is defined.

If MARC holdings were updated when these issues were received, you will need to correct the MARC holdings manually.
If copies were created when these issues were received, you will need to remove the copies.
If 599 Recently Arrived notes were created, they will need to be deleted.

If the receipt being removed is a partial receipt, meaning the number of copies received is not equal to the number of copies expected, and/or the receipt has a claim attached, a warning will display. The warning lists the enumeration and/or chronology of the issue with a warning dialog. You may elect not to proceed and investigate the situation. If you proceed with the remove, all receipts, all claims, and the prediction will be removed. Updates to the bibliographic, item and MARC holdings are not reversed. Modifications may need to be made to a catalog, holding, or item record depending on how the control record is defined.