Linking Controls to Either Orders or Vendors

Subscription information such as the expected number of copies and the serial expiration date is specified in the Subscription tab. You may also maintain a link for the control record to either an order, or a vendor. Either an order or vendor must be specified to create claim notices, but you may link to only one. If your library is not using the Acquisitions module, your only choice is to link directly to vendors.

Linking to Orders

Order linking provides more complete tracking information and history of your subscription. If you are linking to an order, you can click Order History Tab: Serial Control on the Subscription tab when creating or modifying serial controls to add or modify order linking information. The Order History for a serial control contains a history of all orders attached to the current control record. Select an order from the displayed list to view order details.

Order History information for the serial control includes fiscal cycle, ordering library, ordering ID, and order line number. If the serial control is not currently linked to an order, existing, unlinked orders are available to select when you click the Lookup Order gadget in the Order ID box.

Linking to Vendors

Linking to vendors is less complicated, requiring no knowledge of the Acquisitions module, but still facilitating interaction with the vendor for claiming. When the linking preference is set to link through vendors, claiming information is type directly on the Subscription tab. Information must be provided for fiscal cycle, ordering library, and vendor. You may use the Browse Vendor Gadget to display existing vendor IDs for linking to a particular vendor.

You can rollover the vendor fiscal cycle linked to the serial control record using the Rollover Vendor Cycles in Serial Control Records Report report.

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